Tomato Aviso F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Many household plots plant vegetables and tomatoes in particular every year. And someone breeds whole plantations of this miracle vegetable. First, seedlings are prepared indoors, and only then they are transferred to the ground in greenhouses and greenhouses. Polycarbonate or film designs are often used. Sometimes they use glass. In order to grow good tomatoes, you need to deal with them every day: then water, then ventilate, then loosen. Pinch off the stepsons, pollinate, feed and much more so that the crop pleased the growers with its abundance and taste. However, there is a very unusual sort of Aviso F1. It is unpretentious and gives a crop that any landowner will envy.

Tomato Aviso F1


A unique variety was bred in open ground. The number of fruits on one bush is characterized by high productivity in comparison with other varieties. Bushes do not need to be formed to increase the ovaries and their early maturation. The fruits of these tomatoes are very dense, have a pronounced red color. They are slightly elongated, in shape reminiscent of the familiar “ladies fingers” in shape. The maximum weight of a vegetable reaches 80 grams. Grow fast. Harvest can be harvested 2 months after planting in the ground, sometimes a little later. This is great news for regions where the summer period is not very long and there are not so many warm days. It is good to add such a tomato to early salads, and it also makes excellent salting, both entirely from tomatoes, and with the addition of cucumbers, zucchini and squash. Well suited for the manufacture of juices and sauces containing tomatoes.

A remarkable feature is that this species is well resistant to diseases to which other tomatoes have poor immunity.


Timely prevention of diseases will result in a positive result. If the agronomist begins to use the funds in advance at certain periods when black dots appear on the ovaries, the blackness of the stems themselves, the whitish trunk and leaves, and many other problems, then such preparation and processing will not pass without a trace. The bush will be in good condition, and the fruits themselves will not undergo changes.


One of the most common diseases of tomatoes. Usually it appears after the 20th of June. To combat this scourge, it is necessary to maintain dry air. To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room or the greenhouse in which the tomatoes grow. And also after watering, sprinkle wet places with dry earth.

In order to avoid the disease, once a week it is important to spray the tomatoes with a solution containing water, milk and a few drops of iodine. For example, for 5 liters of water you need to add 0.5 liters of milk and one drop of iodine. Further, the resulting mixture can be placed in a professional sprayer or spray bottle.

Culture feed

For good growth of the bush and fruits, it is necessary to constantly feed the plant with various mineral fertilizers. This is important to do once every 10 days. High phosphorus fertilizers are needed.


Watering tomato advise f1
Plants are watered with warm and slop water. To do this, in advance in large containers (cans or barrels) in the evening or even a day you need to draw water. After you can add a little boiling water to it, since it will still not be very warm. And in the early morning to water all crops.

When seedlings are prepared for planting in the soil, it does not need to be watered often, otherwise the tomato trunks will grow, and all the forces will be devoted to the growth of tops, and not to the formation of the ovary. Small bores need good sunshine. Therefore, they must be placed on the windowsill next to the window on the sunniest side.You can also install additional lighting for a table or pendant lamp using fluorescent lighting.

Variety Aviso F1 pleases its agronomists from June to July. However, the fruits of these tomatoes are not stored very long due to early and early ripening.

Stepsons Cleansing

Thanks to the removal of unnecessary stems, the bush gives strength for the formation of flowers and ovaries, and not additional branches.

During the formation of the shoot, it is necessary to leave 2 main branches, the remaining neoplasms at the stem at the beginning of the leaf break off.

Flowers begin to form from the 7th leaf. If you do not remove the stepsons, then the process of flower formation slows down, and the plant will devote its energy to the formation of new shoots.

If the newly-grown sprout was not noticed and reached a size of more than 7 centimeters in length, then it is no longer necessary to pick it off, otherwise you can harm the bush as a whole. It will begin to hurt, this process will affect the formation and maturation of the ovaries.

Variety Aviso F1 is an excellent option for all vegetable growers. It grows well in regions with a small amount of warm and sunny days. It tolerates diseases well. Since the beginning of summer, vegetable growers have been pleased with their red and slightly elongated fruits.

Video: the best varieties of tomatoes

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