Tomato Grandma's kiss - description and characteristics of the variety

The variety is early in terms of ripening, gives a large crop, is resistant to late blight. The bush is up to 150 cm high. The fruits are very elegant, flat-round, yellow or orange, with delicate sugary pulp and a small number of seeds, weighing up to 300 g.

Tomato Grandma's Kiss

Grade description

A variety of universal use. Tomatoes are resistant to viral and fungal diseases, have prolonged bearing. The bush forms up to six full brushes. The fruits are one-dimensional, well transported, and they are great for making ketchups and sauces.

Grade advantage: high and stable productivity, quality of fruits, universality in use. The fruits of the tomato Grandma's kiss are tasty and healthy for humans, rich in trace elements and vitamins. Tomato requires the formation of a bush, removal of stepsons, tying to a support. Plants form in one or two stems.

Cultivation and care

In mid-March, seeds are sown in boxes, which are set in a well-lit place. Maintain soil temperature not lower than 15 degrees. The optimum soil temperature is 20-25 degrees. Before sowing seeds, the soil is decontaminated, treated with fungicide. The excavated earth is left alone for several days. Then the seeds are sown, watered abundantly.

After 15 days, seedlings dive into pots, hotbeds or beds. With the correct picking and maintaining a high temperature, the peaked seedlings perfectly take root. Failures with the cultivation of tomato seedlings are mainly associated with the temperature regime. Take your time to sow seeds in cold soil.

An indeterminate variety is not limited in growth, if it is not stepson and pinch, it can grow indefinitely. Due to its exceptional resistance to disease, unpretentiousness, shade tolerance, the variety has gained many fans. Even in a small greenhouse, you can get a large crop of these tomatoes.

Productivity Recommendations

To get a high yield you need to observe the thermal regime. Humidity should not be too high. It is not recommended to make dense plantations, because with dense plantations, plants lack nutrition and sunlight.

  1. Tomatoes need to be stepsoned, especially at the bottom of the plant. This will allow nutrients to move more actively to the upper parts of the plant.
  2. It is not recommended to water leaves and especially flowers and ovaries. It is best to water the bushes under the root with warm water. Watering is organized in the morning or evening hours, at this time the plants use useful substances more efficiently.
  3. During the ripening period, watering is reduced. In the greenhouse where tomatoes are grown, there must be air circulation.
  4. An important condition for obtaining a high yield is fertilizing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers. During the formation of fruits, tomatoes are treated with stimulants, growth regulators.
  5. If the plot is inclined, the beds where the tomatoes are grown should be placed across the slope so that the water evenly moistens the entire bed.
  6. The soil on which tomatoes are grown should be warmed up by the sun. The beds are evenly moistened, they should not stagnate water. It is recommended to grow tomatoes on tall and narrow beds, since air exchange is easier in them.
  7. The soil for growing tomatoes should not be too dense, you can not plant seedlings in freshly excavated, rich in organic soil. The land before planting seedlings give 5 days to rest, settle.
  8. After transplanting the seedlings, the soil around the plant is compacted, watered abundantly, then the hole is mulched.Potted seedlings are a guarantee of a high harvest of the Granny Kiss variety.

Ways to combat late blight:

  • compliance with the rules of agricultural cultivation;
  • burning affected bushes;
  • treatment of the plant until the ovaries appear 3-4% Bordeaux liquid, 0.3% solution of copper oxychloride.

Tomatoes Grandma's kiss will please with neat round yellow fruits. They are good for both eating and canning for the winter, processing for pasta, juice, ketchup. The ripening of the crop is undulating.

Reviews gardeners

“Last year, in spite of adverse weather conditions, the grandmother’s kiss variety made me an excellent early harvest. The first vitamin salad was from him. They also managed to collect and procure a lot of seeds, so next year there will be our own planting material. Tomatoes are very tasty, elegant yellow - the favorites of children. " (Valentina Semenovna)

Video: tomato varieties Grandma's kiss

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