Tomato Grandma's gift - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Grandma’s gift - a medium-late indeterminate hybrid designed for growing indoors, in film and glazed greenhouses. The fruits are large, rounded, slightly flattened, weighing up to 220 g, very sweet, aromatic, recommended for the preparation of salads and tomato juice. The plant is tall, the height of the bushes reaches 2 m, requires the formation and garter.

Tomato Grandma's Gift

Description of Grandma's hybrid gift

Tomatoes Babushkin on a garden plot will be able to grow every gardener, the variety is not whimsical to the weather. The ability to grow tomatoes Grandma's gift on almost any piece of land, even in old buckets, gives this vegetable great benefits.

The hybrid belongs to late-ripening varieties, the fruits are formed 125 days after emergence.

The advantage of these tomatoes is their resistance to late blight, and mosaic leaf disease. Cultivate tomato Grandma’s gift in closed ground, in greenhouses and greenhouses. The fruits are very tasty, fleshy, high in sugar. A distinctive feature is the different color of the fruit, from pink to dark cherry. Tomato is grown in one stalk with the obligatory garter and pinching.

Growing Features

Tomatoes can be grown under a film, in a greenhouse or transplanted into open ground in regions with a warm climate.

The most intense accumulation of dry matter in tomato occurs at 16-18 hours a day. In cloudy weather, with a high degree of thickening, plants develop slowly, their reproductive organs disappear, pollination is unsatisfactory.

How to grow a tomato Grandma's gift in a bucket

A popular way to grow tall tomatoes in buckets. This technology does not require a large area for planting (they can be grown even on the balcony), and the yield and fruit ripening time exceed the usual methods of growing crops. The advantages of growing indeterminate tomatoes in buckets:

  1. During irrigation and top dressing of tomatoes, all the liquid will go to the plant, and will not go into the ground.
  2. In the heat or during long torrential rain, buckets can be moved to a shade or a secluded place to protect the culture.
  3. Weed removal will be easier because the surface area of ​​the soil of the bucket is smaller than in the greenhouse.
  4. In the fall, to extend the harvest, buckets can be brought into the greenhouse or other room.

You need to find old unnecessary metal or plastic buckets with a volume of at least 10 liters. As many holes as possible are punched in them so that excess water flows out. Buckets are filled with soil with the addition of humus and a handful of ash. This mixture helps to saturate the plant with all the nutrients necessary for further growth.

Several seeds are sown in the soil to a depth of 1 cm or transplanted seedlings grown in advance. If you grow tomatoes without a transplant, then after the appearance of several sprouts, it is necessary to tear out the "extra" plants from the bucket, leaving one or two of the strongest specimens.

Shrub formation, watering, top dressing

The formation of tomatoes grandma's gift
During the summer, several times fertilizing plants. The first time tomatoes are fed on the 10th day of transplantation and preferably with natural fertilizers. The second and third feeding is done every 2 weeks. You can use mineral or organic fertilizers.

  1. Watering a tomato Grandma’s gift is necessary once a week, directly under the root.With waterlogging in the soil, the amount of air decreases and the absorption of nutrients by plants decreases, the temperature of the soil decreases, which deteriorates the activity of aerobic bacteria and delays the decomposition of organic substances. Under such conditions, it is necessary to divert excess water, often loosen the soil and make mineral fertilizers.
  2. Weeds are removed in a timely manner, the soil should be periodically loosened. Upon reaching a twenty-centimeter height or during flowering of the plant, it is required to perform pinching, removal of 3-4 lower processes on the bush.
  3. Stepsons break off or break off, but not cut off. Hemp should not remain from the removed branches of tomatoes, otherwise a plant disease may develop.
  4. It is necessary to pinch the top of the bush. This is done to increase the yield of vegetable crops.
  5. The next stage of cultivation is tying up the culture. Grandma’s tomatoes are indeterminate, the bush reaches 2 meters or more, so they are bound to a peg or a taut wire.
  6. During the period of fruit growth, a tall plant gives its strength not only to ripen, but also so that the trunk does not break under the weight of ripe tomatoes. With the correct garter, the fruits will not touch the ground.

After 120 days, you can enjoy the taste of hand-grown tomatoes. In addition to its high palatability, this culture has several advantages and can improve health in a natural way. Tomatoes Grandma’s gift is advised to eat for diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia and gastritis.

Video: Chinese way to grow tomato seedlings

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