Tomato Babushkino bast basket - description and characteristics of the variety

There are many varieties of tomatoes. And, it would seem, a new variety can not surprise anyone. But Grandmother’s basket made a splash among summer residents due to the fact that the fruits were very tasty, large and quite unpretentious in the process of growing.

Tomato Grandma's bast basket

History of the variety

There is a talented breeder in Russia who specializes in tomatoes - Sergey Gavrish. It is his merit that a variety of Grandma’s bast basket appeared. Tomatoes immediately established themselves only on the positive side, and officially in 2015 this variety was listed in the State Register and then in catalogs. The goal of breeding a new tomato was to achieve high yields, but at the same time:

  1. To be able to grow tomatoes even in such conditions when frosts or sharp fluctuations in air temperature can occur, which are most often observed in the northern regions.
  2. So that the plant does not hurt, it was unpretentious, persistent and strong.

Sergey Fedorovich succeeded, and now more and more often on the beds you can see the original in shape, really resembling a basket, beautiful large fruits. It should be noted that Grandma’s basket is not a hybrid. This is a real full grade.


Grandmother's basket can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. The fruits are quite large, especially if they were carefully looked after during ripening. In this case, as an exception, they can weigh up to 500 grams, but usually the weight does not exceed 250 grams.
  2. In the area of ​​the stalk of this variety, there is always a noticeable dent, which makes the fruit look like a basket.
  3. Their shape is most often round, slightly ribbed. But there are those, if they are very large, in which the sides are especially bulging.
  4. Smooth to the touch.
  5. The color of ripe tomatoes is red.
  6. Inside there are usually 4 nests with seeds.
  7. The plant itself is considered medium-sized - up to 2 m.
  8. Fleshy flesh has medium density, tasty.
  9. The fruits grow in clusters.

Proper fit and care

Already many gardeners have been convinced that these tomatoes can be safely planted in open ground. They will grow well even in those regions where the summer warm season ends too early, and frosts come quickly.

Tomatoes ripen quickly: from the day of planting to harvest, an average of 100 days pass. And if you take care the most carefully, observing all the rules of care, you can harvest much earlier. Ripening occurs on average in late summer.

Care for tomatoes grandma's bast basket

  1. Experts advise to grow tomatoes from seedlings. As practice shows, in this way the grown seedlings are stronger and healthier, and the crop is more numerous. You can place the pots directly on the windowsill, as a rule, this is done at the end of March. As soon as the sprouts begin to strengthen and stretch, you need to pay special attention to the backlight. Seasoned gardeners use fluorescent lamps for these purposes. They are considered better than incandescent lamps due to the fact that they can be installed in close proximity to plants, without worrying that the leaves can burn.
  2. It should be checked whether there is a strong hypothermia of the earthen coma, otherwise the root system will function poorly. To check the temperature, just put your hand on the windowsill, checking if it is cold from the frame. Although this variety is not afraid of cold weather, it is better to keep weak shoots for the time being.
  3. It is advisable to use irrigation water that has been left standing for a day, a little warm. Professional gardeners are advised to keep a container of water intended for irrigation at the battery, so the plants will be constantly moistened.It will also take fertilizing so that the tomatoes receive all the necessary nutrition components. In specialized stores a large selection of complex fertilizers.
  4. When it is time to transplant the plant into the ground, you need to calculate the place so that the grown bushes do not interfere with each other, since they turn out to be large, and therefore it is not recommended to plant them tightly. It is advisable to observe this rule, otherwise the fruits will not receive the necessary amount of light, and the roots will lose the necessary amount of nutrients. To prevent this from happening, Grandma’s bast basket is planted with the expectation of 4 bushes per square meter.
  5. It is advisable to form a bush during the growth period so that one stem remains. You will need to remove excess foliage, so you can achieve more fruits to appear, and they will ripen much faster. This variety is very productive: up to 10 tomatoes can ripen on one branch.
  6. At the end of the growing season, you will need to pinch the growth point. For a good harvest, be sure to stepchild, as well as tie up bushes. The latter measure is necessary, as the bushes with growing age become higher. Sometimes you even have to tie up the brushes. If this is not done, the tomatoes most often find themselves on the ground, quickly begin to deteriorate, rot, undergo various diseases. When tomatoes grow normally, they are not susceptible to disease.
  7. Watering will also require a careful approach, as from a lot of moisture the bushes can begin to hurt. But, if watering is small, the plant will immediately react by the fact that the leaves begin to turn yellow.

Ripening will begin in 100 days, and the average amount of harvest will be 10 - 12 kg per square meter.

Grandma’s basket can be grown even in a greenhouse that is not heated. If seedlings are planted in open ground, then this time usually falls at the end of May, tomatoes can be planted in greenhouse conditions earlier.

This variety has advantages over other varieties - it is resistant to many diseases and can withstand adverse weather conditions without losing its taste.

Mistresses use this variety, rich in vitamins, very active in salads. As blanks used in the preparation of adjika, various sauces and juice. But it’s not recommended to salt and pickle Grandma’s onion basket, as these tomatoes do not particularly like heat treatment.

Video: how to grow good tomatoes in the open field

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