Tomato Ballad - description and characteristics of the variety

Many vegetable lovers will gladly grow Ballad tomato in their area. An excellent compact tomato will delight any gardener with its low bush and good harvest. In the article we will consider all the features of this miracle variety.

Tomato Ballad


Breeders bred this tomato for open ground. However, it can be planted in polycarbonate or film greenhouses. The ripening period from sowing is from 120 days and above. The color is bright red on the outside and paler on the inside. The fruit is round enough, slightly flattened on top. By weight it reaches an average of 180 grams.

Feels good in warm regions. In bolshe cool territories requires constant shelter with periodic ventilation.

Harvested fruits are stored for a long time. They are convenient to transport. Rip well after tearing in green.


A low bush makes it possible to plant up to 9 bushes on one square meter. In addition, such a low tomato is very convenient to care for. Large enough tomatoes grow on it. When eaten, a tomato has a quite nice skin - moderately thick, juicy pulp and a delicate tomato flavor.

The height of the bush on average does not exceed 60 centimeters. The first inflorescence appears on the sixth leaf. A bush is well formed. Strong enough trunk, does not require garter. The ovaries are also formed quite high, so that the fruits are rarely propped up, only if it can be seen that there may be contact with the ground.

Sowing and germination

  1. Sow the seeds must be warm, starting March 15, plus 5 days. Seeds are laid in the ground, deepening them at a distance of 1 - 1.5 centimeters, but not lower. Before placing seeds in the ground, it is necessary to shed it with warm water.
  2. Further, at a distance of 2 or more centimeters, you need to place each seed in a trench or 2 to 3 seeds in sectional containers with earth. After sprinkle on top with dry earth and cover with black polyethylene.
  3. After emergence, it is necessary to rearrange the containers with seedlings on the windowsill. It's cooler and more light. If necessary, you can use a pendant or desk fluorescent lamp.


Before planting, it is necessary to make the soil more loose: add peat and sawdust. Also, as fertilizer, make manure that is better wintered so as not to burn the roots of young shoots. It is equally important to add ash from parasites and mineral fertilizers.

Planting tomato ballad

Seedlings must be placed according to the scheme 40 * 50 centimeters. In this case, up to 9 bushes will fall per square meter. And this means that the yield of such a plot will average over 70 kilograms of tasty and ripe fruits.


It is important to water these tomatoes with warm water - on average up to 4 liters per bush. To improve the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to spray with stimulants. Introduce nitrogen containing fertilizer before flowering.

A month before harvesting, you need to stop feeding plants with fertilizers. Constantly loosen the earth around the plant, sprinkling a little stem, making a small hill.

Tomatoes of the Ballad variety are best watered using the drip method so that the leaves are not touched by water. In this way, plant infection can be avoided.


Tomatoes of this species are well suited to light summer salads with cucumbers, combined with lettuce leaves, green onions. A little vegetable oil and tomato will become even tastier. You can make "Astrakhan salad" - large slices of tomato with onion rings and a little unrefined sunflower oil.Here, the tomato will manifest itself in all its taste.

Delicious pastas, sauces and ketchups are obtained from this variety.

Fruits tolerate transportation well. Suitable for sale in stores and in the market.

"Ballad" is a very successful undersized variety. It has delicious bright red fruits. Suitable for cultivation in industrial conditions and on personal plots.

Video: how to grow good tomatoes in the open field

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