Tomato Minion of Fate - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Minion of Fate - a low-growing variety of medium-term ripening. Has pepper-shaped large fruits. Tomato can be grown without tying and pinching in open ground and in greenhouses. Bushes are low, compact, 70-80 cm, fruits are collected in brushes of 6 pieces.

Tomato Minion of Fate

Grade description

The mass of fruits is up to 0.5 kg. In the area of ​​the stalk there is a green or brown spot that disappears as it ripens. The pulp is sugary, tender. Coloring red fruits. The variety is very productive. Recommended for fresh consumption and for processing.

Tomato Minion of Fate feels great in our climate, but, nevertheless, differs by a capricious character. When planting and growing crops, the requirements of plants must be taken into account.

  1. For planting the Minion of Fortune hybrid of fate F1 in the country most often use film greenhouses. Pre seedlings are sown in small pots. Tomatoes in a heated greenhouse can be planted at the end of February.
  2. The beginning of April is the optimal time for planting tomatoes in ordinary, unheated greenhouses, but young plants like warmth. They are especially sensitive to damage to small roots, so dive the seedlings carefully. Tomatoes in the greenhouse love loose, humus-rich soil.

Cultivation and care

Hybrid Minion of fortune can be grown in open ground. Plants are tolerant to weather fluctuations.

Barrel Tomatoes
Tomatoes can be planted in open ground after warming the soil. Summer residents, who have a limited supply of land, in small areas have come up with an effective way to grow tomatoes in barrels.

  1. Barrel tomatoes require care and attention, as well as careful preparation. The barrel is filled with compost, and seeds are planted at the end of May. A layer of fertile soil is poured on top of manure and grass, which is re-grown in a barrel. There are 3-5 tomato sprouts per barrel.
  2. The plants in the barrel should be evenly distributed. At the edges they stick arcs of wire that are covered with a film. If you do not install arcs, then during the first rain the film will sag and squeeze the seedlings.

Gradually decaying soil will sink down, and seedlings will grow up. Barrels are placed in a warm, sunny place that allows organic waste to overheat.

Growing tomatoes Minion of fate on the balcony
To grow tomatoes in modern apartments, special attention must be paid to seed preparation. A hybrid grows well on the windowsill if the windows are bright and wide, and the walls of the house face south.

Growing tomatoes Minion of fate on the balcony

  1. At the end of February, in March and April, seeds are sown on the windowsill. If the landing was made in early spring or late autumn, then artificial lighting will be needed.
  2. Seeds before planting should be soaked for several hours in a stimulating solution. Germination is carried out on napkins; peeling takes up to eight days. Hatching seeds are transplanted into containers with fertile light soil. The first two to three weeks, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions.
  3. First, tomatoes should be planted in small pots for seedlings. After the appearance of the leaves, you can transplant the seedlings with the earth from the pot into another container. A bucket or other utensil, the volume of which is not less, is best suited.
  4. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, it is necessary to pinch the seedlings. This will increase yield in the future. You can tie the bushes on a specially equipped trellis. The yield with this method of planting, with proper care, is quite high.
  5. When planting tomatoes on a balcony or windowsill, pay special attention to the composition of the soil, it must be very fertile.Half a liter of sand, wood ash, compost or humus should fall on 2 parts of a bucket of chernozem from a garden or turfy land.

Remember that when watering plants, you need to use only warm water. This commandment should be performed not only in the country, but also in apartment conditions. When the plants start to grow, do not forget to feed them with a solution of urea, and after two weeks - infusion of wood ash.

Outdoor tomato care
Drying of the soil should not be allowed. The plant is thermophilic, therefore it is impossible to water cold water, its temperature should be 18-23 degrees.

It is advisable to fertilize tomatoes not with dry fertilizers, but with liquid ones. You can enter fertilizer at every sixth watering. For a better result, fertilizers are introduced into the soil when the tomato is in the growth stage. Hybrid Minion of fate reacts positively to phosphate fertilizers.

When the first fruits are tied, the leaves located below the first fork, in particular those that are in contact with the ground, are removed. You can remove 2 leaves per week. By resorting to this method, increase air exchange in the garden, minimize the possibility of infection of tomatoes with fungal diseases.

Tomatoes Minion of fortune will delight you with their fruits until September.

Video: pinching tomatoes

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