Tomato Barin - description and characteristics of the variety

A large number of tomatoes makes agronomists think about choosing the most suitable variety for cultivation in different regions. Some tend to grow more resistant varieties to weather conditions, while others are more fruitful. And the most important thing for many is getting a good and tasty crop. In this article, we learn about the new hybrid variety Barin.

Tomato Barin


The height of the bush is on average from 80 to 100 centimeters. Ripens long enough, after sowing, bears fruit after 110 days. It has a thick and durable stalk, which requires additional garter. In one inflorescence, from 5 to 7 fruits can form.

Tomatoes are bright red, large, slightly flattened on top. The weight of the vegetable is from 250 to 300 grams. After harvesting, the crop is stored for up to 45 days. It tolerates transportation both unripe and ripened. Productivity from one square meter is up to 12 kilograms. This is a very good indicator for such a low plant.

Note! Suitable for cultivation in industrial conditions and on a personal plot. The fruit has a good pronounced tomato flavor.


Before planting a plant in open ground, tomato should be sown at home or in heated greenhouses. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, the plant is transplanted into the open ground. It is important to prepare the soil for planting in advance. Even in winter, a number of fertilizers should be applied: manure, ash, humus. You can add an egg shell. All this needs to be dug up and the soil left until spring. Before planting add peat and granular fertilizers. Also, to prevent diseases, add ash.

Important! When germinating tomatoes, good lighting is necessary up to 14 hours a day, otherwise the plant will grow sluggish and will not be able to subsequently give a good crop. For additional lighting, use a fluorescent pendant or desk lamp.

It is necessary to observe average humidity and temperature conditions of about 23 degrees in the room. Planting a tomato in the soil occurs according to the following scheme: from four to five plants, but no more, are placed per square meter. The formation of a bush up to 3 stems is possible. Such a tomato will be bushy and will give more brushes for ovaries. But this option is acceptable for the Varin variety. Other tomatoes often leave only one branch.


  1. Timely dressing of the plant during growth is necessary. Granular fertilizers with nitrogen and potassium. You can replace fertilizers with the liquid version, before dressing, be sure to breed in the proportions indicated on the package so as not to burn the plant.
  2. It is important often, and especially after watering, to loosen the root system of tomatoes, sprinkling the earth higher at the base of the stem.
  3. Watering should be carried out daily, preferably in the evening, with warm and standing water at least 22 degrees. Such water can be prepared in cans or barrels. During the summer day, the water warms up well and is great for irrigation.
  4. During growth, it is necessary to remove the stepsons from the plant. After the formation of three branches, all new formations break off. Such a procedure is done so that the plant gives all its forces to the formation of fruits.


Varin Tomatoes
Barin is very resistant to many diseases of tomatoes: verticillin wilt and the tobacco mosaic virus. Against other diseases, timely treatment is used, as in other varieties. Ash is added to the soil. After watering, wet areas are sprinkled with dry soil. Periodically ventilate the room.Sometimes they are treated by spraying a soapy solution.


Ripe fruits are well suited for a wide variety of dishes, both raw and cooked. It goes well with other vegetables in the salad. When sunflower oil is added, the truly excellent taste of this tomato is felt. It goes well with cheese and feta cheese. It will be a great addition to the cheese "Jewish Salad". Suitable for stewing with zucchini. Used in the preparation of various vegetable soups. However, for canning is not suitable because of its large size.


With growth, tomatoes do not crack. They have high productivity - from 9 to 12 kilograms per square meter. Long shelf life after harvest - up to 45 days. Well tolerate weather changes. Almost no common tomato diseases.

Tomatoes are one of the most common crops today. The species diversity is so great that every agronomist will be able to choose a plant according to their requirements for growing. Variety Barin is one of the most amazing varieties that wants to grow more than one gardener on its site.

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