Tomato Butterfly - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes Butterfly F1 belong to the varieties of medium early ripening. From the time of planting to the appearance of the first fruits, 110 days pass. The height of the bush reaches two meters. In regions with a warm climate, Butterfly tomatoes can be grown without seedlings by sowing seeds in the ground.

Tomato Butterfly

Butterfly F1 hybrid features

Fruits grow in clusters, like grapes. Up to 70 pieces of tomatoes ripen on one brush. The fruits are small (30-40 g), oval, slightly elongated, bright red, with dense skin and marble pulp. In the stage of technical ripeness, tomatoes are beautiful pink. On elongated hands, the fruits ripen gradually, so you can harvest from mid-summer until October.

The bush is high, up to 2 meters, requires the formation and garter. Butterfly F1 is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and in open ground in regions with a warm climate.

Tomatoes can be consumed fresh, they have a pleasant sweet taste. The fruits contain up to 8% sugar. Small bright fruits are suitable for decorating dishes, whole fruit preservation.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

Typically, summer residents plant tomatoes with seedlings, and there are many reasons for this: tomatoes ripen earlier, there is no danger that they will be destroyed by spring frosts, and the result of germination is already known. However, there is the option of growing tomato Butterfly F1 without seedlings, by seed directly into the garden. This method has great advantages, but there are also risks.

Advantages of planting tomatoes Butterfly F1 seed in the ground

Tomatoes can be grown without seedlings not only in the southern regions, but also in the middle lane. This method will relieve the hassle of growing seedlings from the end of winter, will not require much time and effort.

The advantages of this method are many:

  1. Tomatoes planted immediately in the soil have a stronger and more developed root system, more foliage and a thick stem.
  2. It immediately adapts to sunlight and climatic conditions.
  3. Plants develop stable immunity and endurance.
  4. The tomato will not suffer from transplanting from the pot into the garden.

Speaking about the benefits, we should not forget about the risks, but they always are:

  1. Germination is slightly worse; more seed is needed.
  2. The danger of weather vagaries in the form of torrential rains and frosts in the spring.
  3. Harvest later for 2-3 weeks than with seedlings.

However, all risks can be mitigated if the technology of sowing and care is properly observed.

How to prepare land for planting tomatoes Butterfly F1

From April 20 to May 5, as soon as the snow melts and the earth warms up a little, you should start preparing for sowing. It is possible to plant seeds both in the prepared bed, and directly in the turf. When planting in a finished garden bed, prepare the soil. Prepare the soil in the fall, spread ash, rotted manure or compost into the soil.

How to prepare land for planting tomatoes Butterfly F1

You can plant tomato seeds in a turf if you don’t have time to prepare a bed. Wells are made right in the turf at a distance of forty centimeters, the earth is selected from the holes, and the ready-made soil, which was bought in the store, is poured in its place with a little top, it is also spilled and covered with a film.

Planting seeds in the ground

You can sow the seeds of the Butterfly tomato in the ground after May 20. Before planting is not worth it, because the risk of seed death is quite large.
Seeds can be sown dry, soaked in warm water for a day, or already hatching.

In order to guarantee germination, in 1 hole it is better to plant 3-4 seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Plant no deeper than 2 cm, then sprinkle with soil a little with a hill and pour warm water. After covering with a film.

Plant care

Open the ventilation film periodically and water it to maintain humidity. When up to 3 leaves appear on the sprouts, remove the weak specimens. After a week, leave only the two most healthy plants.

In the middle lane spring unpredictable natural whims happen, the danger of night frosts and cold snaps remains until mid-June. At night and in cool weather, cover tomato crops with a film or special covering material. During droughts, use anti-stress growth regulators, for example, epin, zircon, mulch the soil. Feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers, watering is very important. Timely destruction of weeds and loosening of the soil will allow you to get a high yield.

When using the method of sowing directly into the soil for growing tomatoes Butterfly, you can save yourself from having to spend time or money on seedlings. The main thing is not to be afraid and experiment. Use 2 planting methods at once to evaluate the result: part of the tomatoes are planted with seedlings, and part of the seeds in the garden and compare the labor costs.

Video: Butterfly tomatoes

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