Tomato Berdsky large - description and characteristics of the variety

The variety is intended for cultivation in the open ground and under film shelter. Tomato determinant, not requiring garter and pinching. The plant is unpretentious, early ripe, with large tasty fruits. Fruits are used for harvesting for the winter, eat fresh.

Tomato Berdsky large


Tomato Berdsky is a successful fruit of the hard work of Siberian breeders. Its popularity is due to a number of remarkable qualities. The weight of plane-round fruits reaches 600 g. According to gardeners, the variety bears fruit well in open ground in temperate regions. This variety of tomatoes forms compact plants with a branched root system. Full-fledged large and well-ripened fruits in the infield can be obtained by first growing potted seedlings of this variety.

Cultivation and care

To grow tomatoes, you need to take a well-warmed place (preferably with a south-facing slope), on which there is not even the slightest shadow.

  1. You can return tomatoes on the floor a place no earlier than 4 years later. For digging in the fall, and if not in time, in the early spring, a large amount of organic fertilizers (compost, humus, non-acid peat) is introduced.
  2. The optimal seedling age should be 50 days. Older, overgrown seedlings grow poorly, set fewer fruits, which means it gives a low yield.
  3. Grow seedlings should begin in March. To fill the tanks, a soil mixture is prepared consisting of sand, humus, peat. On a bucket of the mixture you need to add 2 matchboxes of urea or ammonium nitrate, 3 of each - superphosphate and potash fertilizers.
  4. Seeds before sowing are heated for 3 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees and incubated for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per glass of water). They can be immediately sown in cups, previously covered with a soil mixture, watering with a warm pink solution of potassium permanganate. But it’s best to pour fresh sawdust in a small box or pot, pour it with cool boiling water and, when they cool down to 30 degrees (when you touch the sawdust with your hand, it feels about as warm as body temperature), sow the seeds.

The first week after the start of growing seedlings, the temperature should not fall below 23 degrees. In the future, seedlings are transferred to a loggia, balcony, in a primitive sunny greenhouse. It is recommended to build a temporary film shelter on arcs in the yard or in the summer cottage. With the threat of frost, these structures are covered with film and burlap.

Watering and feeding

Seedlings should be regularly watered, feed two times with mullein, diluted with water 1: 6, bird droppings (1: 10), urea solution (2 matchboxes per bucket of water). Try not to wrap the plants with a film, keep it open - so they grow stronger, take root more quickly and form a branched root system. This variety of tomatoes forms compact plants, therefore, seedlings can be planted with a distance between rows of 50 - 70 cm.

Watering and top dressing tomatoes Berdsky large

Tomatoes are watered every three days. Holes are made near the bushes and mulched with humus. To get lateral shoots earlier, on which flowers are formed and fruits are tied, pinch shoots.

How to collect seeds yourself

If you want to get pure-grade seeds, you need to grow one variety in a radius of at least 5 m. Typical in shape and color are selected fruits with good palatability of pulp for sowing.

A small amount of seeds is collected after the fruit is eaten, laid out on the fabric and dried in the sun. If you need to collect a lot of seeds, cut a tomato, outwardly assess the quality of the pulp, choose it in a large container. Water is poured into it, the pulp rises, and the seeds sink. They are spread on fabric and dried.

Store tomato seeds in a dry, ventilated room in bags made of natural fabric. The seed should be taken from typical fruits, without deformities and signs of illness.

Seeds should not be collected from the fruits that were last bound, as they can be atypical and not sufficiently ripened.

How to get rid of aphids on tomatoes

To get rid of aphids, prepare a solution of salt, soap and vinegar. To prepare the drug, take 400 g of iodized table salt, 400 g of laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater, and 500 g of 9% vinegar. Pour the components into 10 l of water and mix thoroughly. After filtering, spray the tomatoes on which there are clusters of aphids. To combat diseases and pests, you can also use Tattu and Alet.

Video: Berdsky large tomatoes

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