Tomato Madness Kasadi - description and characteristics of the variety

Gardeners grow tomatoes to eat. However, some varieties are designed to simply please the eye. A distinctive feature of the tomato Madness Kasadi - the fruits look a bit unusual.

Tomato Madness Kasadi

Description of a similar grade

This variety has earned popularity among gardeners due to its characteristics. In another way it is called Recklessness. Some gardeners call it Quirk.

  1. The bushes of such a fruit are semi-determinant, that is, they are best grown in greenhouses, because they are sensitive to low temperatures.
  2. The height of the fetus is 1.2 meters. Ripening time is 105 days. One brush contains 4 tomatoes.
  3. As for the tomatoes, their fruits are red, but there are golden streaks. The shape of the fetus is elongated. Summer residents differently call such fruits “icicles”.
  4. The length of the fetus is 10 centimeters, and weight is 100-150 grams. Such tomatoes are strong, and their skin is thick. When canning, the skin does not crack. Fruits can be stored for a long time. If necessary, they can be transported over a long distance.
  5. The grown bushes are graceful, and the leaves are down. The height of the bush reaches 160 centimeters. It is hung with tomatoes from top to bottom.
  6. By coloring, these tomatoes resemble Tomatoes Sparks of flame and Pepper. However, they have different bushes.

Exotic tomato, as practice shows, is perfect for drying, and can be used for canning in general, salted.

Growing Tips

When growing such fruits, one should resort to a seedling method. Seeds should be sown in pre-prepared soil two months before the planned transfer to a permanent place designated for them. As for the transfer period, it is calculated taking into account climatic conditions.

Feeding and watering requirements:

  1. Drying of the earth or waterlogging is unacceptable. Seedlings will grow faster if fed with complex fertilizers.
  2. With the onset of the second stage of these leaves, you should begin to dive. To accelerate the formation of a powerful root system, tomatoes should be planted in separate containers.
  3. Up to four plants should be planted per 1 square meter. It is necessary to form 4 stems due to the garter to small supports. Further care involves top dressing and loosening. The beds must be spud with planting.
  4. Before planting seeds in the soil, they must be processed using a growth stimulator and a solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds should be planted in containers with soil. Recommended landing depth is 16 centimeters. After wetting the crop, it should be covered with a film (it must be removed when the sprouts begin to hatch).

The volume of the grown crop and its application

The use of tomato varieties Madness kasadi
Such tomatoes can be used for any purpose. Many housewives appreciated the original look of such tomatoes. They can be processed, canned, prepared blanks, make fillings. It will not be superfluous to add them to cooked salads.

There will be more crop if enough attention is paid to seedlings. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime: the optimum temperature is 20 degrees. Tomatoes need sunlight: if it is not enough, additional lighting is needed.

Also, growing tomatoes, it is necessary to remember the agrotechnical requirements: the bushes should not only be planted, but also tied.


Such a plant needs preventive treatment against diseases, because it does not have immunity. With the disease, the crop can be saved by providing timely help to the bushes.

As for chemicals, they are recommended to be used during planting. At this time, fertilizer should be applied to the wells with soil. During the growing season of plants, timely watering and regular application of complex products that contain potassium and other trace elements are required. In this case, you should adhere to the scheme recommended by the manufacturer.

Next, we need to switch to folk remedies. It will be useful to feed tomatoes with ash, yeast, iodine.

Mulching will be useful (it is necessary to provide air access to the roots, for this you should use non-woven black fiber and grass) and weed removal. The use of siderates is also necessary.

Video: how often and how much to water tomatoes

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