Tomato Beef pink brandy F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Beef pink brandy F1 is a tall hybrid of medium maturity, with large fruits of a saturated pink color. Subject to growing conditions, it is possible to obtain fruits weighing up to 1 kg. Dimensional plants, sparse, grow up to two meters. Bushes require garter, pinching.

Tomato Beef Pink Brandy F1

Form a tomato in one or two stems. The flesh of these hybrids is fleshy, sweet. Fruits are rounded, flattened, sometimes ribbed. Hybrid Beef pink is intended for fresh consumption, for canning, juice, feast, tomato paste. Tomatoes are characterized by a high content of solids and lycopene carotenoid, have a pleasant aroma and taste, fantastic yield.

Cultivation and care

Tomato care, start with planting seedlings. Planting seedlings that only have the following criteria. The color of the shoots and leaves is dark green, the height of the tomato bush should be 25-35 cm, the root system should have only white living roots.

  1. Plants are planted in the soil with a depth of 3-5 cm. If the seedlings have grown, that is, a way out of this situation. The stem is laid in the soil, digging a ditch. The stalk will easily give roots.
  2. Not only the quality of the seedlings depends on whether there will be a good crop, but also on the soil. For winter, the soil in the greenhouse is dug up and fertilized with a nitroammophos. They allow the earth to breathe, absorb oxygen, make manure or peat. Seedlings are planted in warm soil +15 degrees.
  3. When growing in greenhouses, it is necessary to withstand temperatures of + 22-25 degrees. A temperature above +35 degrees is fatal for a tomato - they turn yellow and die. In this case, tomatoes are abundantly watered.
  4. With special attention they monitor the air temperature in a polycarbonate greenhouse, regularly ventilate, avoiding overheating.
  5. Watering seedlings should not be done immediately after planting for two days. The first watering is plentiful, with a depth of 15-20 cm. In the future, plants are watered when the topsoil is dried. It is recommended to air the greenhouse after each watering. In cool time, watering is carried out after 3-4 days. After watering, the soil needs to be loosened, giving the roots oxygen.

When the tomato bushes become larger, the bushes are tied. Each tomato bush is tied to a support. They treat diseased tomato bushes by spraying with biological products and stimulants.

Tips for growing tomato seedlings
It is known that aloe juice is a good biostimulant and perfectly disinfects seeds from many diseases. The leaves of this plant must be ground in a mixer, filtered through cheesecloth. The miracle drug is ready. The tomato seeds in it are soaked for 12 hours at room temperature. Excess juice is drained. This treatment perfectly affects the growth properties of seeds. As a result, they give amicable, fast and viable shoots. This has a positive effect on tomato productivity.

Growing tomato seedlings Beef pink brandy F1

During the formation of buds, an extract from pine shoots stimulates the formation of ovaries and promotes faster ripening of fruits. An extract from pine shoots is prepared as follows. Young pine shoots are kept in the refrigerator or cellar for 6-8 days, why they chop, pour water (1 part of the shoots into 2 parts of water), bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes on low heat, cool, filter, the extract is diluted with water (1: 3 ) and spray the tops of tomatoes. Do not water under the root. You can use needles to control pests.

Flowering Care
Top dressing in this period is carried out in a folk way: milk solution with iodine: 1 liter of milk, 15 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water.

In clear, warm weather, the bush helps self-pollinate, slightly shake the plant. And it is better to provide this work to insects, bees, bumblebees. Pollinating flowers, increases productivity, fruit set. Before flowering and during flowering, stepsons are torn off so that nutrients are not taken from the bush. Sprayed during flowering with special means, for example: zircon.

Fruiting Care
They feed and water in this way. Watering is carried out every 2-3 days. In hot, dry weather, tomatoes are watered daily in the evening. Watering depth is 25-30 cm. Tomatoes are fertilized only at the root. They feed it with a solution prepared from mullein, add complex fertilizers (1 tablespoon), potassium permanganate 1 g.

With a large crop, you can cut off the unripe large tomatoes, put in a dark box. Green tomatoes are put in a box with red ones. They do not allow light to enter the box. In such conditions, tomatoes ripen quickly.

Tomato Beef Pink is one of the leaders of the 2018 season in terms of productivity, appearance, resistance to hot weather, tolerance to sunburn and good taste.

Video: a super remedy for increasing the yield of tomatoes

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