Tomato Beefsteak - description and characteristics of the variety

In Beefsteak tomatoes, the amount of pulp significantly exceeds the total mass of juice and seeds. The fruits have high taste, very sweet, fleshy. A distinctive feature of the variety is a high content of carotenoids, in particular lycopene. The fruits accumulate a large amount of solids, vitamins for which this variety is valued.

Beefsteak Tomato

Grade Features

Beefsteak refers to indeterminate large-fruited varieties, suitable for growing in closed and open ground. The fruits are large, up to 0.5 kg. The plant is tall, up to 2 m. The height of tomatoes grown without shelter is less.

Bushes are powerful, well leafy. Plants grow intensively not only in height but also in width, so they plant them away from each other. From the time of emergence to the harvest, 85 days pass.

When grown in greenhouses, fruiting occurs earlier by 1.5 weeks.

Attention! Beefsteak tomatoes are not hybrids; seeds can be collected from them for subsequent cultivation. Shelf life of seeds is 2 years.

Growing Features

The soil for the tomato should be light and nutritious. Do not forget about complex fertilizer. Selecting seeds, you need to sort them. For this, the seeds are poured into a glass of water and after a while, those that have surfaced are screened out. After that, the seeds are dried and disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

  1. It is best to plant large beefsteak tomato seeds one at a time. Ordinary plastic cups or peat tablets are perfect for this. Pour soil into a glass, watered and gently deepen the seed, about one centimeter. Glasses with planted seeds should be covered with foil and put in a warm, dark place.
  2. As soon as a small whitish eyelet appears from the ground, you can put glasses with future tomatoes on a bright window. It is not recommended to remove the film yet. If the window is located on the sunny side, every day for an hour - two films are removed so that the small plants breathe. After a week, you can completely remove the shelter.
  3. When the sprouts appear two pairs of real leaves they need to be transplanted into permanent pots. The size of the containers depends on the variety selected.
  4. Before transplanting, it is necessary to water the tomatoes well, gently pull them out of the cups and, without touching the roots, drop them in containers. Now you need to choose the most lighted window. If the bushes grow on one side, they must be rotated every few days. It happens that tomatoes lack light. They need to be highlighted.
  5. Watering is carried out several times a week. Do not allow the drying of the soil, as well as stagnation of water in the roots. Three weeks after transplanting into permanent containers, the tomatoes should be fed with a nitroammophos. Triple feeding during the month will reduce foliage growth and have a beneficial effect on yield.
  6. Beefsteak tomatoes must be tied. The largest specimens are tied to supports. Stepsons are all cleaned. If this is not done, then the fruiting will deteriorate, the fruits are crushed.
  7. If the fruits do not ripen evenly, it is better to remove them before full ripeness and put ripen on the window. The plant will have more strength for the remaining berries on the branches. To prevent the development of such a disease as late blight, it is necessary to ensure that the bushes are not flooded.

In the process of planting seedlings in open ground, the wells are not completely filled in, they leave small recesses for irrigation. After planting tomatoes, the soil is mulched with straw. Planted tomatoes are watered. In rainy weather, the stands are treated with biological products, for example, phytosporin.Several times a season, they are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To get more fruits, they treat the bushes with a weak solution of boric acid.

In the rainy summer, you can cover the tomatoes with agrofibre, it will protect the plantings from pathogens. When working with plants, try to injure them as little as possible. With microtrauma, the risk of infection with late blight increases. When pinching, do not use a knife, it is best to break out green shoots manually. An important element of success in growing tomatoes is the presence of loose humus. When grown in greenhouses, a layer of loose soil is poured with humus 15 cm thick. High bushes are tied to a cord stretched along the greenhouse. Fertilizing with complex fertilizers increases the yield of tomatoes.

Over time, gradually improving the technology of growing tall tomatoes, you will be able to get a high yield.

Video: Beefsteak tomatoes

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