Tomato Bochata - description and characteristics of the variety

Bochata is a mid-early crop variety. The bush is 90-110 cm tall, medium tall. Fruits are bright red in the form of barrels. The mass of fruits is 200-300 g, very tasty, sweet, small seeds. Bochata tomatoes are ideal for canning and pickling. Under adverse conditions, the plant is affected by Fusarium and dry rot, so it is necessary to treat seeds and seedlings with fungicides.

Tomato Bochata


The bushes are compact, the branches are not sprawling. The variety is resistant to disease, has limited growth, the growing season of tomatoes is up to 16 weeks. Bochata tomatoes love warmth, so getting a high yield without shelter will not be easy in the northern climate. The variety responds well to top dressing, especially liquid.

Cultivation and care

Greenhouses are placed where the sun's rays fall on them for as long as possible. The soil is prepared one week before planting seedlings. The first shoots appear after 7 days. After the appearance of four true leaves, the tomatoes are transplanted to a permanent place, in the greenhouse. Tomatoes grow well and bear fruit on light sandy loamy soils. Seedlings before planting need to be tempered, accustomed to temperature extremes and direct sunlight.

  1. The Bochata variety is grown through seedlings. Seeds pretreated with 1% potassium permanganate solution and soaked for a day are sown in greenhouses covered with a two-layer film. You can germinate the tomato seeds, then the seedlings will appear 2-3 days earlier than usual.
  2. Before planting, all wells are watered with a weak solution of manganese, peat is added. Two weeks later, young plants are watered, bypassing the ingress of water on leaves and stems. Adult plants are not watered often - every 5-6 days, since due to high humidity the fruits can become watery, acidic and begin to crack.
  3. The soil is prepared in the fall, introducing humus, nitroammophoska, superphosphate. In March, loosen the ground, sprinkled with wood ash. The beds are made 2 m wide, with paths between them 50 cm. Tomatoes are planted in rows, the distance between plants is 50-60 cm. Less often, it is better to plant, as it is easier to process later, the plants will be better ventilated, less sick. After planting, seedlings are carefully watered so that the roots are not exposed and a crust does not form when dried.
  4. For a good harvest, tomatoes are fed phosphorus and potassium fertilizers once every ten days. For optimal results add foliar top dressing. They provide an opportunity to get a crop earlier than usual, nourish plants and protect against diseases. Seedlings are planted in greenhouses in mid-May. She should have 4 leaves. Seedlings are watered the day before to make it easier to transplant.

Watering, top dressing

Seedling care consists of regular watering, two top dressings (1 tablespoon nitroammophoski per bucket of water) and prevention of late blight fungicides. Can be poured once a month with a solution of potassium permanganate in pink. In hot weather, you need to ventilate the greenhouse during the day. Seedlings will be so tempered, not extended.

Watering and top dressing tomatoes Bochata

  1. The first time the seedlings are treated three weeks after planting, the second time twenty days after the initial treatment, and the last time after the appearance of the third brush on the bushes.
  2. You can feed the plants during the period of active growth with a solution of slurry, bird droppings. The bushes do not require the formation, removal of stepsons, tying. In rainy weather, plants are treated with growth regulators and stimulants.
  3. Watering in the first month is carried out so that the topsoil is constantly moist. Tomato care consists of weeding, loosening the soil around the plants.
  4. The more often you loosen, the larger the fruits will be. The variety responds well to top dressing, especially liquid.They feed 3 times with an interval of 12 days. Mullein is used as fertilizer. Add one tablespoon of ammonium nitrate to a bucket of solution, spending it on 10 square meters of land.
  5. The second top dressing is carried out with mineral fertilizers. All top dressing must be stopped with mass formation of ovaries. If you do not stop fertilizing plants, then there is a danger of provoking secondary growth of leaves. The benefit at this time is only loosening the soil and moderate watering.
  6. In wet weather, plants are affected by powdery mildew, so they are treated with stimulants and growth regulators.

Bochata tomatoes are recommended to be harvested in a state of technical ripeness. The fruits are well transported over long distances, have excellent presentation, are in great demand among buyers.

With the help of the easy recommendations described in the article, you can get an early and rich harvest in your greenhouse.

Video: Bochata tomatoes

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