Tomato Bogata hata - description and characteristics of the variety

Breeders have bred a new early-ripening and medium-sized hybrid “Rich Hut” hybrid. Such a culture is suitable for both growing in industrial conditions, on a personal plot, as well as for breeding at home on a balcony or loggia.

Tomato Rich Hut


  1. It was bred in 1997 and registered 2 years later.
  2. It belongs to F1 grades. Ripens early enough. From sowing to the first red fruits, an average of 100 days passes. The plant is low - from 30 to 50 centimeters along the entire length. Grows under a film in the open ground.
  3. Fruits are round bright red. The taste is pronounced. The average thickness of the skin. Soft inner texture. The weight of one fetus averages from 50 to 70 grams. But there are fruits up to 120 grams. Long stored in torn form. Perfectly tolerate transportation.
  4. It is quite popular with professional agronomists and amateurs who grow tomatoes in their personal plots or at home in an apartment.
  5. Loves the warm climate. Suitable for cultivation in the southern regions. In regions more unstable in terms of heat, it is necessary to grow such tomatoes in greenhouses made of polycarbonate or glass.
  6. During the season, on average, from one bush you can collect up to one and a half kilograms of a delicious and beautiful crop.


Tomato is one of the most common vegetable crops used in the preparation of various dishes. The rich hut is suitable for preservation in industrial and home conditions. It is combined in summer salads with other vegetables. Suitable for cheese and cheese dishes. Decorate any table with its appearance. A small but neat tomato, especially when sliced, will complement any meat dish. Suitable for making tomato sauces, ketchups and lecho. It is used in the production of tomato juices. Will show its taste in cooking soups, stews and roasts.

It tolerates transportation. Well suited for sale in vegetable departments and markets.


Sowing of the hybrid takes place in March in special containers or boxes in order to germinate it for 2 months.

Planting seedlings in the soil occurs on the 65th day after sowing. The layout of the shoots in the soil is 40 by 50 centimeters. This is an ideal option for placing the plants from each other at an optimal distance for subsequent processing, the appearance of inflorescences, and in the future - the ripening of fruits.

Planting and harvest

Before determining the place of planting of a crop, it should be remembered that tomatoes should not be planted annually in the same soil. Soil should be changed. However, you need to know that you can not plant tomatoes in the ground after zucchini and potatoes. The soil after carrots, dill and parsley is perfect. Or it is completely necessary to change the soil for this crop. You can not plant a tomato next to potatoes, zucchini, peppers and eggplant.

Planting tomato rich hut

Before landing, you can fumigate nearby areas and land to get rid of larvae and adult aphids, Colorado potato beetles, scoops and slugs. You can make a fire in the grill or barrel with the addition of a large amount of foliage to smoke the territory. You can also use a smoke bomb.

During transplanting seedlings into the soil, it is necessary to distribute plants from 5 to 6 bushes per square meter. Thus, on average, from one square meter per season, you can collect up to 9 kilograms of vegetables. For such a short plant, this is an excellent result.


  1. This hybrid, unlike other tomatoes, ripens quickly enough after sowing and transplanting into the ground.
  2. Perhaps plant cultivation at home in the absence of a personal plot - on the windowsill, loggia and balcony.
  3. It tolerates various diseases that are found in cultures of this species.
  4. A wonderful ratio of the size of the crop and its productivity.
  5. It is important to know that this tomato variety is capricious about all kinds of top dressing. If the soil is not fertilized in a timely manner, it is not done often, the plant will cease to bear fruit, and may completely wither. It is important to make top dressing in the form of granules containing potassium and nitrogen. It is also necessary to loosen the soil.
  6. Lack of proper care will also lead to a loss in the taste of the tomato, which will negatively affect its use in various dishes. The vegetable will acquire a neutral taste or its complete absence.
  7. For further breeding, the hybrid is not suitable. Unfortunately, such breeding in the next generation will not bring a good harvest.


The Bogata hata variety needs to be tied up, as it has a not very strong trunk and the abundance of the crop can break the shoot. This tomato is formed from three to four branches and forms a spherical bush. He does not like acidified soil, so you need to constantly add peat and ash. During the whole growth, it needs constant top dressing, timely watering and ventilation.


This type of tomato may undergo cracking. This is not due to a large amount of watering, but to the disease. It is important to deal with such a disease in a timely manner so as not to lose the entire crop. It is necessary to carry out daily ventilation of the room, as well as to sprinkle the place of irrigation with dry soil, so that excessive evaporation of water does not occur.

Diseases of tomatoes Rich hut

Dry spotting is possible. This bacterial infection can be controlled by spraying with antifungal drugs. Timely fertilizer application, tillage and watering will prevent the emergence of other diseases that are common in tomatoes.

From a scoop it is good to use the Arrow drug. It will prevent the attack of this pest both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. It should be done in advance, since autumn, to spray the soil. You can also do this in the spring before planting the plant in the ground.

To eliminate a number of parasites, aphids, the Colorado potato beetle and slugs, it is often important to add ash to the soil. Also from the Colorado potato beetle use substance for spraying "Prestige". It is important to remember that all spraying is carried out in advance - before the appearance of the ovaries, and especially large fruits.


  1. It is important to timely remove weed that has appeared. Loosen the soil and make a mound in the area of ​​the base of the plant.
  2. For a softer soil composition, sawdust and peat can be added in advance or during growth. Thus, the earth will be more airy.
  3. Morning watering with warm water is important for such a culture. Water should be from 21 to 23 degrees, previously settled.
  4. During the day, it is necessary to fully open the film greenhouse or give the opportunity to ventilate well in a polycarbonate or glass greenhouse. Clean air will prevent powdery mildew, cracking fruits and other not very good diseases in this variety.

Thanks to proper care, any agronomist can achieve a good harvest from such a wonderful hybrid. The main thing is to do everything in a timely manner, then delicious and beautiful tomatoes will not take long to wait.

Video: rich hut tomatoes

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