Tomato Ursa Major - description and characteristics of the variety

Ursa Major is a productive variety that is characterized by unlimited bush growth. With proper care, a plant can reach two meters in height and form fruits weighing up to 500 g. It is best to grow a bush in two stems. Despite the good growth rates, in open ground the results are worse than in a greenhouse.

Tomato Ursa Major


The fruits are consumed fresh, used for processing. With proper care and good weather, tomatoes can weigh 500 g. Tomatoes are flat-shaped, with barely noticeable ribs. The pulp is sugary, fleshy. Unripe fruits have a bright green hue. The fruit at the peak of maturity takes on a rich raspberry hue. Fruits form no more than six chambers with a small amount of seeds.

Due to its size, the plant is grown on pylons or trellises. Tomatoes are placed so that they are as far apart as possible. On one square meter, 2-3 bushes can be grown.

Seedling Care

Shoots of Ursa Major appear 4-7 days after planting. When leaving, it is very important to observe 3 conditions:

  • watering,
  • lighting,
  • ventilation (hardening).

In the early days, seedlings need high humidity. Therefore, it is important to prevent the soil from drying out. This is especially important a week after the emergence of seedlings, when the seedlings grow and water consumption increases dramatically. Seedlings are placed on a sunny window. Daylight hours should last at least 16 hours, so it is advisable to make additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

In the early days, the film (glass) is not immediately removed to maintain humidity. Day by day it should be gradually raised and completely removed after a week. After the sprouts are well rooted, you can begin to take out a box with seedlings on the street. You need to do this on sunny days. Seedlings should begin their stay in the air with five minutes. Gradually, this interval increases to 30 minutes. Thus, the seedlings are hardened so that it better transfers the planting to the open ground.


Planting in the open ground of tomatoes Ursa Major
Two months have passed since the seeds were planted. The weather was warm outside. The soil in the garden warmed up. The time has come for planting in open ground / greenhouse. To do this, holes are made in the ground.

  1. At the bottom of each well, it is advisable to add a teaspoon of complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. The seedling bush is transplanted using a transshipment method - together with a lump of earth, so as not to damage the root system. Plastic cups can be simply cut. If seedlings were grown in peat pots, the bushes are planted with the pot. Peat will serve as additional fertilizer.
  3. A bush of seedlings is pressed into the ground by one third and sprinkled with earth. This is necessary for the development of additional roots. After transplanting, it is important to pour plenty of warm water so that the bush takes root better. From this moment, care is carried out as for an ordinary bush: watering, weed removal, fertilizing, spraying from possible diseases.

The layer of mulch should be at least 7 cm. Mulching the row-spacing will help get rid of weeds, support the soil in a loose state. Use straw or sawdust as mulch. Fertilizers are applied during heavy watering. For top dressing tomatoes use organics and complex mineral preparations.

With proper care and the formation of bushes in two stems, the Ursa Major variety will delight very large pink fruits weighing up to 0.5 kg. From the fruits you can collect seeds for growing in subsequent years.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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