Tomato Bonapart F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes have long taken their place of honor in the human diet. From vegetable culture make pasta, sauces, juices, canned whole, and consumed fresh. Tomatoes of the Bonaparte variety belong to the hybrid group of plants. Although it was bred relatively recently, it has already managed to gain popularity among gardeners with its high productivity and remarkable taste. To grow tomatoes in a summer cottage, you need to know the important rules for planting seedlings and care. If you do not follow the agricultural technology of cultivation, you can lose plants even before fruiting.

Tomato Bonaparte F1

Description of variety Bonaparte

Tomatoes of this variety are early ripe, grown throughout the country. In warm regions, tomatoes are planted in open soil, and in colder areas it is preferable to use greenhouse structures for growing.

The height of the bushes with good care can reach a height of up to two meters. As they grow, the stems need to be tied to a wooden or metal support. It is necessary to conduct timely pinching, that is, the removal of excess branches and leaves. Then the harvest will be richer, and the fruits will be large.

The shape of tomato fruits resembles a chicken egg, the skin is dense, smooth, not prone to cracking, has a raspberry pink color. The pulp of a tomato is juicy and fleshy, the taste is sweetish with a slight sour taste. The weight of one fruit varies from 130 to 160 grams.

From the beginning of sowing seeds to the onset of the fruiting period, 50-60 days pass. High rates of peel strength and density of the pulp of the vegetable, allow it to be used for transportation over long distances. Earlier fruit ripening allows you to start consuming fruits earlier than other crops, getting the necessary useful vitamins and minerals.

Landing and care

  1. Seeds should be purchased at a specialist store. For sowing, you need to prepare boxes or another convenient container. Pour there the earth mixed with mineral fertilizers. If the soil is taken from the garden, then first you need to keep it warm for several days. After that, it is recommended to warm the soil in the oven for 2-3 hours at high temperature. This method will help save the earth from the possibility of infection with various fungi and viral infections.
  2. Seeds should also be treated before planting. They must be soaked in warm water for 2 hours. Then drain the water and wrap the seeds in a wet cloth or gauze, leave for about a day to swell. During the day, you need to monitor the humidity of the fabric or gauze. After the set period, the seeds must be placed in a weak manganese solution for 15 minutes. This procedure will help to quickly sprout shoots to the surface of the earth and not become infected with a fungus.
  3. Seeds should be placed to a depth of not more than one cm. For faster germination, it is recommended to close the boxes with a film, forming a greenhouse effect. It is necessary to water crops every day, preferably in the morning. As soon as 4 full leaflets appear on the shoots, they must be planted in separate cups.
  4. Before planting the finished seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground, plants need to be hardened. For this seedlings, it is necessary to ensure a gradual decrease in air temperature. On particularly warm sunny days, boxes of seedlings can be carried outside for a short time. Only after this occurs landing in the ground.
  5. A week before planting, it is recommended to carry out preventive cultivation of the earth with copper sulfate. Landing in a permanent place occurs with the help of prepared deep holes.The distance between adjacent bushes should not be less than 50 cm. Suitable support poles or rods should be installed next to the holes.
  6. With the growth of tomato bushes, it is necessary to regularly cultivate the soil and remove weeds. The bushes need to pick off extra leaves and branches.
  7. Several times during the season, top dressing with mineral additives, treatment from diseases and garden pests is required. Despite the high resistance to diseases, plant bushes can be affected by tobacco mosaic, late blight, or yellow curly. For the prevention and disposal of all sorts of misfortunes, special preparations should be purchased.

Plant nutrition

The first supplement for plant nutrition should be carried out during the growing season. The fruits have not yet begun to set, the earth needs to be sprinkled with ash. It contains the necessary minerals needed for tomato bushes at this stage of growth. To do this, the ash must be distributed on the surface of the earth around the hole, loosen along with the soil and pour water. The second time the introduction of fertilizer occurs during flowering bushes. Here, experts recommend using yeast. This will have a beneficial effect on fruit set. To prepare the product, you need to take 100 grams of raw yeast and dilute in a liter of water, then pour the resulting mixture into a bucket of water, and water the bushes. The next stage for fertilizer occurs during the fruiting of the bushes. Spray the bushes in dry and calm weather with a preparation containing potassium.

The correct development of the culture and the amount of the harvest will depend on the implementation of the rules of agricultural technology. Tomatoes are an excellent product for the preparation of first and second courses, from them make tomato juice, a variety of sauces and pastas. The small size of the fruit allows you to pickle and salt the whole tomatoes. Trading companies prefer to market this variety due to its shelf life, which is a plus for transportation to other regions. Gardeners and gardeners plant early ripe hybrids for an earlier tomato crop. Good and proper care will ensure a rich harvest.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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