Tomato Brave General - description and characteristics of the variety

The brave general belongs to indeterminate large-fruited varieties. The plant is suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. The fruits are large, up to 0.3 kg. Bushes are high, up to 2 m. Fruits are pink in color, fleshy, sugary.

Tomato Brave General


Plants grow intensively not only in height but also in width, so they plant them away from each other. From the time of emergence to the harvest, 85 days pass. When fully ripened, the tomatoes turn a deep raspberry color. The variety is ideal for making salads, tomatoes are also used for making juices, ketchups, pastas.

Tomatoes Brave General are not hybrids, you can collect seeds from them for growing on your site.

Cultivation and care

Growing tomato seedlings is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But there are several basic recommendations, without which your small garden on the window can wither. If you are a beginner, follow all the tips and prepare seedlings, following simple rules.

For the cultivation of tomato seedlings Brave General at home, you need:

  • Long tank or large pot;
  • Seeds from the store;
  • Finished soil;
  • Cling film;
  • Sprayer for watering.

The earth is poured into a pot and compacted by hand. Sprinkle on top of the seeds, trying to distribute them evenly. Press the seeds to the soil and sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top. Seal it again.

  1. Seeds are pre-soaked for several hours in a stimulating solution. Germination is carried out on moistened tissue. Seeds of this variety hatch after 8-10 days. Hatching seeds are transplanted into containers with fertile light soil.
  2. Sown seeds should not be watered with large amounts of water, otherwise they will be washed off and crumpled. It is better to spray water from a spray bottle.
  3. Pull the cling film over the sowing container. So you create a small greenhouse for plants, where they will be warm and comfortable. Place the container on the sunniest window.
  4. When water builds up under the film, wipe the underside with a cloth. When sprouts appear, the film must be removed.
  5. Water young shoots every day. The first week of spraying until the seeds are firmly in the ground. Then you can switch to abundant watering.

As they grow, seedlings are planted in open ground or a greenhouse. The optimal time for sowing seeds is March. The variety Bravy General is especially sensitive to damage to small roots, so you should dive seedlings carefully.

Soil for tomatoes

Organic matter affects tomato yields. In chernozem ranges from 1 to 12% of organic matter.

Soil for tomatoes Brave General

  1. The main part of organics is represented by humic acids and humates, which are a source of plant nutrition.
  2. Humus plays an important role of gluing together dust particles for the formation of soil aggregates, and structures the soil. Organic matter determines the absorption capacity of the soil, is a regulator of the correct consumption of nutrients and protects against leaching, as well as other losses of the soil.
  3. Humus, as the main component and organic matter of the soil, is responsible for the absorption of heavy metals and radionuclides. Humic substances are resistant to decomposition.
  4. Modern complex preparations provide an instant effect on the plant organism due to the presence of minerals in chelated form.

Chelated compounds intensify photosynthesis and metabolic processes, accelerate the flowering and fruiting of tomatoes.They contain a balanced amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds for root growth.

Top dressing

Fertilizing Tomatoes Brave General
Tomatoes are responsive to feeding with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and trace elements. Organic fertilizers have a beneficial effect on soil properties, stimulate the vegetation and growth of the tomato root system.

When growing tomatoes, it is recommended to introduce the following types of organic fertilizers into the soil:

  • Manure of various animals;
  • Litter of birds;
  • Composts;
  • Peat;
  • Silt from the bottom of ponds, rivers and lakes;
  • Siderata;
  • Complex organic fertilizers.

The lack of mineral nutrition negatively affects the growth and development of tomatoes Brave General. Before planting in the soil, it is necessary to make complex fertilizers.

Attention! Young plants absorb a greater amount of nutrients in the phase of enhanced growth, and fruit-bearing ones during the period of crop formation.

During the budding period, the plants actively absorb nutrients. Complex fertilizers will provide bushes with necessary micro and macro elements on all types of soils. Modern drugs contain elements of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. in chelated form. It is extremely important to carry out the correct dosage of fertilizers.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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