Tomato Brandywine black - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Brandywine black refers to indeterminate exotic varieties with large fruits of brown or raspberry color. Bushes reach 1.8 m, sprawling, require garter and support. The pulp of the fruit is sweet, without acid, creamy consistency, with a small number of seeds in the chambers. Tomatoes are consumed fresh, used for salads, juice. The fruits have a pleasant sweet taste. Sugar content up to 8% sugar.

Tomato Brandywine Black


The variety belongs to the potato variety of tomatoes, has a powerful stem with numerous branches. 100 days pass from sowing seeds to fruit ripening. The origin of the variety is USA. A distinctive feature is high sugar content, a high content of lycopene and solids. The number of seed chambers is 6. The mass of fruits is up to 400 g when grown in two stems. Thick-skinned tomatoes do not crack. The variety is recommended for indoor cultivation, can be used as an indoor crop. When flowering, the plant looks very decorative. The seeds of these tomatoes germinate 2-3 days later than others.

Cultivation and care

Seedlings of these tomatoes can be grown both in seedlings and in separate pots or cassettes. In view of the fact that pots and cassettes have a certain cost, it is possible to sow seeds for seedlings in cans from mayonnaise, and also immediately to a permanent place - in six-liter buckets.

  1. Three seeds are sown in buckets, subsequently one, the most developed, plant is left. Pick (transplant) of grown seedlings is made twice during the month. Seedlings are dived into small plastic cups, and then into large dishes.
  2. Fill the tanks almost to the top with soil, leaving a place for the soil in which the plant grows. Then they take out the plant along with a lump of soil and transplanted into a new container.
  3. When transplanting, they try to immerse the plant in the soil along the very leaves. If this fails, additionally add soil, moisturizing it. Such a deepening of the plant allows it to form additional roots for nutrition, which is especially important for small volumes of soil.
  4. As containers for growing seedlings, you can use plastic bottles from under water, drinks. Good seedlings succeed in five-liter containers from under drinking water.
  5. Preparation of containers is carried out as follows - take a bottle or bottle and cut them on the shoulders. But before cutting off the top, they pierce several holes with an awl below the sides at a height of ten millimeters from the bottom to drain excess water.

At the bottom of the prepared containers, twenty to thirty millimeters thick, various drainage material is laid - crushed stone, walnut shells, beaten egg shells, which are at hand. Then they fill it with soil, usually it is purchased in gardening stores. Before transplanting seedlings, the soil in containers is shed with boiling water. The seedlings in cups are shed with water at room temperature for better extraction from the dishes.


Brandyvine tomato cultivation black
Seeds are sown in late February. After germination, the seedlings are placed on the southern windows, the temperature is constantly maintained at + 22-25 degrees in the room. At night, the temperature can drop to 18 degrees.

  1. As they grow, seedlings are watered and fed. They constantly monitor that plants lack moisture and nutrients.
  2. Water the tomato twice a week, and feed it once. As top dressings, solutions of calcium nitrate, nitrofoski (one tablespoon per bucket of water at room temperature) are used, constantly alternating them.
  3. After the sprouts are well rooted, they take out a box with seedlings to the street. Do it on sunny days. Seedlings should begin their stay in the air with five minutes. Gradually, this interval increases to 30 minutes.
  4. Tomatoes are afraid of high humidity, therefore, after watering, as well as with a large rise in air temperature in the room, they produce airing. Draft tomatoes are not afraid, therefore this procedure can be carried out more often, especially during flowering.

For better pollination, shake the branches with flowers. To achieve good results, it is advisable to spray the leaves with a nutrient solution.


“I have been growing tomatoes on the windowsill for several years. Of the varieties of tomatoes I used, the best results were shown by Brandwein black tomato. In general, growing tomatoes in a window is not only obtaining their fruits for nutrition, but also the additional beauty of a living plant, which we lack so much at this time of year. ” (Mikhail Alexandrovich, Nizhny Novgorod)

Video: black tomatoes (best grades)

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