Tomato Bulat - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable crop of many gardeners. Vegetables are consumed fresh, used to prepare salads, a variety of complex dishes, and are also widely used in canning. No full meal can do without ketchup, sauce or tomato paste. A novelty of Russian breeders was the Bulat tomato variety, which belongs to the hybrid group. Tomatoes are distinguished by early ripening and excellent taste. Vegetable culture is grown both on open soil, and in greenhouses and greenhouse constructions.

Tomato Damask

Grade description

Tomato Bulat begins to bear fruit already 80 days after sowing seeds. The bushes have light green leaves, and reach a meter high. On the stems, as they develop, simple clusters of 5-6 fruits each are formed. The average weight of one tomato varies from 80 to 120 grams.

Fruits have a round shape, in their unripe form they are distinguished by a green color, they become red as they ripen. The pulp is dense and juicy with a characteristic tomato flavor. The skin is smooth and strong, does not crack as it ripens. The strong shell of the tomato allows you to use them for transportation over long distances for further marketing.

In the context of a tomato, the presence of 5 - 6 seed chambers is observed. The vegetable culture of this variety has a stable immunity, therefore, it is practically not exposed to the development of diseases.

Planting Bulat tomatoes

To obtain a higher yield, experts recommend planting tomatoes in seedlings. For planting seeds, you need to prepare special boxes and ground. The earth needs to be mixed with fertilizers, humus or ash is perfect for this. Boxes need to be filled with soil and moistened. Seeds are planted to a depth of not more than one centimeter. From above, the boxes are covered with a film, and cleaned in a warm place with access to sunlight. Every day, the soil in the boxes must be watered with warm water. This will help to sprout faster.

Seed preparation

Seeds should be purchased at specialized points of sale. Empty seeds must be removed before planting. To do this, they are filled with water for 2 hours, if there is no seed inside the shell, then it pops up. Such seeds must be collected from the surface of the water and discarded. The seeds that remained at the bottom should be transferred to wet gauze and left for a day, constantly maintaining humidity.

After the set time, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will help prevent infection by fungi and various viruses. For faster development, you can treat the seeds with a special growth accelerator.


As soon as the seedlings form 2-4 leaves, seedlings are planted in separate cups. Landing is carried out when tomato seedlings already become strong plants. One or two weeks before planting in a permanent place, seedlings should be hardened. This can be done with a gradual decrease in temperature. If the street is warm, sunny weather, then the seedlings can be carried out for several hours in the fresh air.

Planting tomatoes Damask in the ground

For planting in the ground, you need to prepare holes at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. In each hole you need to put one seedling and sprinkle it with earth. After planting, the plants must be well watered.

Tomato Care

To obtain a high yield and healthy fruits, proper care must be taken for the plants throughout the summer season. Watering should be carried out daily, except for days when it rains.It is imperative to regularly loosen the soil around the bushes and remove weed grass.

Timely feeding will also favorably affect the proper development of plants and productivity. There are three main stages when minerals should be added:

  1. The first top dressing is required 2 two weeks after planting seedlings. Fresh seedlings are perfect for the active growth of seedlings. You need to take a bucket and fill it with one third of the droppings, pour about 7 liters of water, and insist for a week. Then the resulting solution must be added half a liter to a bucket of water, and water the tomato bushes.
  2. The second stage is carried out during the flowering period. During this period, you can add a complex fertilizer rich in minerals and vitamins. In specialized stores, you can purchase ready-made preparations with detailed instructions for use.
  3. The third time feed is introduced during the fruiting of the bushes. They are needed for rapid ripening and increase the size of tomato fruits. Regular iodine will help. In a bucket of water, add 4-5 drops of iodine and water the bushes.

Bulat tomatoes are an early ripe species that will begin to delight you with its ripened fruits within a short time after planting seeds. The fruits are perfect for making healthy vegetable salads and everyone's favorite tomato juice.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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