Tomato Bystrenok - description and characteristics of the variety

There are a large number of tomato varieties that breeders have recently bred. But hybrids most attract attention. They are quite adapted to temperature extremes, they are well resistant to diseases and give a large and tasty crop. We will talk about one of the breeding hybrid species in this article.

Tomato Bystrenok


Faster F1 is a hybrid. Ripens quickly 85 to 100 days after sowing. It grows well in open ground. You can also plant in polycarbonate and glass greenhouses in regions with not very favorable weather conditions, not very warm summers and few sunny days.

Tomato is a determinant undersized species. The maximum growth of the plant does not exceed 80 centimeters. The rapid ripening of the fruits makes it possible to harvest in early summer. During growth and ripening, a garter of the plant is necessary, otherwise the stem may fall and the fruit will become infected, as well as a branch break. The bush should be formed into three stems, the remaining processes are removed.


  • Tomatoes have a neat rounded shape.
  • Bright pink on the outside and paler on the inside.
  • They have a pronounced tomato flavor.
  • High yield from each bush.
  • The same formation of ovaries with good fruiting.
  • Adaptation to unstable conditions in the regions.
  • Good protection against common diseases.
  • Ripens before the onset of late blight disease.

Sowing and seedlings

Sow tomato should be no more than two months before the planned transplant into the ground. That is, in the middle or end of March. Seeds are planted in a trench or indentations not lower than 1 - 1.5 centimeters. Before distributing the seeds into the ground, it is necessary to shed a little warm water. Each seed must be placed at a distance of at least 2 centimeters. After they are sprinkled with dry earth. After a while, the tomato is dived when a second leaf is formed on the stem, and placed in a separate container already for further formation of the root system. After such a glass or pot, before transplanting a tomato into the ground, it is convenient to cut it. After 50 days, the plants are ready for transplantation in a heated greenhouse, and in open ground - 80 days after germination.

You can not plant a culture every year in the same soil. It is necessary to use new land or after other vegetables: carrots, dill and parsley. You can not plant in the soil after the growth of zucchini, potatoes and peppers.

In open ground, a plant is planted according to the scheme of 70 * 40 centimeters. Each square meter contains up to 5 seedlings, but no more so as not to interfere with the formation of the bush and further processing of the plant.

Removing stepchildren

Removing stepsons from tomatoes Bystrenok
Stepsons should be removed, which in the future can form their branches and take strength from the plant for the formation and growth of the stem, and not for the ripening of tomatoes. You need to stepchild as soon as the appendix is ​​visible. If the stepson has exceeded the size of 7 centimeters, then he is left and not broken off. If you remove such a large process, it can damage the plant and it will begin to hurt.

Dressing and care

As the culture grows, it is necessary to loosen and fertilize in a timely manner.

  1. It is important to periodically fumigate the plant using a smoke bomb or bonfire using a barbecue or other safe iron container. Thus, a number of diseases common to many tomatoes can be prevented.
  2. Before the onset of the possible formation of late blight, it is important to carry out treatment even with ripened fruits to prevent the disease.
  3. Insect and slug prevention is also important. To do this, add ash to the soil.
  4. Watering is carried out in the morning under the root with warm rebuilt water at about 23 degrees. After that, a little wet zone should be sprinkled with dry earth so that there is no excessive evaporation.
  5. Constant mulching of the soil will give the bush the opportunity to develop well and bring tasty and fragrant fruits in time.
  6. Fertilizing with nitrogen and potassium will also help in increasing the number of ovaries and in good ripening of the vegetable.


The weight of one fruit averages from 110 to 120 grams. Sometimes there are very large fruits - up to 180 grams. Almost never crack. The tomato is very delicate in taste. Has a thin skin. Good for making summer salads. Sauces, ketchups and lecho are prepared from it. It is used in stewing vegetables and making caviar. Suitable for pickling both separately and with early varieties of cucumbers. Transportation for further sale in stores and markets is possible.

For every professional and amateur, the Bystrenok F1 variety is just a godsend. Early ripening, a good harvest, adaptability to weather conditions, and resistance to diseases are excellent qualities for growing this particular variety.

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