Cherry tomato Kira - description and characteristics of the variety

This variety is perfect for both growing in a greenhouse and outdoors. Due to the fact that the bushes feel great even in small containers, it has a pleasant appearance, many housewives grow tomatoes on the loggias and balconies of high-rise buildings. A great option to decorate a summer cottage or a personal plot - you not only decorate the territory, but also can enjoy delicious fruits. Consider the characteristics of the fruits, their features, as well as the principle of cultivation.

Cherry Kira Tomato

Cherry grade Kira: technical information

Tomatoes can be eaten raw: add to salads, make beautiful slices, are also suitable for rolling.

Consider the features of this plant:

  1. The first fruits on the bushes appear 95-100 days after the seedlings were moved to the ground.
  2. Bushes can reach heights of up to 170 cm, i.e. they are quite high and require mandatory garters.
  3. The number of leaves on the bush is average, the color is dark green.
  4. It has a simple inflorescence.
  5. On one hand, up to 20 fruits ripen, they have a round shape, slightly flattened on top.
  6. One tomato can carry up to 30 grams; tomatoes have an average density.
  7. The color of the fruit is orange.
  8. Even under mechanical or thermal influence, the berries still retain their shape, and the skin does not crack.
  9. An important point for many gardeners - plants are unpretentious in the care and cultivation, and not the bushes are not susceptible to late blight.

To avoid most diseases, it is enough just to weed the beds in a timely manner. Also, we must not forget that the bushes need to be spudded, watered moderately.

As for gardeners who are engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes of this variety - they are positive. The average yield is from 6.0 to 12 kg per 1 m2 of beds. One bush brings up to 1.5 kilograms of tomatoes. The variety requires the mandatory formation of bushes.

If seedlings have been planted in open ground or in a greenhouse, after the crop has been harvested, they can be transferred to the room - if you wish.

What are the features?

Tomatoes can be used everywhere:

Kira Cherry Tomatoes

  1. For the preparation of healthy and delicious salads.
  2. You can make juice.
  3. Ideal for rolling: in the form of assorted and whole, Kira tomatoes will become a real decoration of the table.

Many distributors prefer this particular variety because it is stored for a long time, tomatoes do not lose their attractive appearance even during long-term transportation. If the place is cold, then tomatoes can remain unchanged for up to 80 days.

Another feature of the variety is its good productivity and unpretentiousness. Suitable for growing in open ground and in a greenhouse, requires a minimum of fertilizer, it is extremely rare to get sick.

How to grow Kira tomatoes on your own?

You need to buy seeds in a specialized store. Processing with potassium permanganate is not necessary due to the fact that this is performed by the manufacturer. Diluted by the seedling method. Prepare containers with pre-fertilized soil (it is best to use organic and mineral fertilizers, which are also sold in specialized stores). Seeds are placed in the soil at 20 cm. It is important to water the seeds in a timely manner, as well as dive sprouts.

After 50-60 days, the sprouts can be planted in open ground. Pre-seedlings are tempered: for this they must be placed for 10 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.

The beds before planting need to be loosened, they add cow dung or chicken droppings.To form plants you need in 2 stems. Due to the fact that the bushes are quite high, they must be tied up, otherwise the branches of plants can break under the weight of the fruit.

Watering the bushes is necessary after the sun sets, warm water. It is necessary to carry out top dressing 2 times. The first time a mixture of potassium and nitrogen is used (when the plants begin to bloom), the second - when the fruits are already ripening, potassium nitrate, as well as superphosphate, are added to the soil.

Loosening, weeding the beds need 1-2 times a week. Despite the fact that this type of tomato is resistant to various diseases, we must not forget about prevention. To this end, the leaves are sprayed using a variety of drugs (among the gardeners, Phytophtorin is popular). It also requires the control of garden pests - for this, chemical-based poisonous drugs are used, or alternative methods are used. To get rid of slugs, experts recommend the use of fly ash, it is applied directly to the soil, directly under the tomato bushes.

Video: Cyrus Cherry Tomatoes

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