Tomato Country bins - description and characteristics of the variety

Fans of vegetable landings sometimes have to spend a lot of time searching for the optimal type, the qualities of which will fully meet the requirements of his household. Country bins are large tomatoes, the yield of the variety is very high.

Tomato Country bins

Grade characteristics

Thanks to a detailed description of the variety of vegetable crops, the owner of the site will be able to decide whether he is suitable for planting in his garden, learns about the rules for growing it, under which you can collect a rich harvest.

Breeders describe the variety Country cottages as follows:

  • variety indeterminate;
  • bushes grow up to two meters high;
  • approximately six fruits are formed on each brush;
  • ripening period is from 105 to 115 days from sowing seeds.
  • Harvest Description:
  • grown tomatoes have a shape resembling a plum;
  • the weight of each fruit is from 200 to 450 grams;
  • red color;
  • the skin is thin;
  • Tomatoes of this variety are well transported and stored for one month.

How to plant and care

Planting tomatoes of the variety Country coffers is carried out on the beds, in greenhouses and under the film. This vegetable crop is grown from seedlings. Sowing planting material should be carried out 60 days before the grown seeds are transferred to a permanent place.

The plant will be stronger if you follow some rules. Landing recommendations are as follows:

  1. Dive. To reduce stress during transplanting, seedlings should first be placed in separate containers.
  2. Seedlings need to be hardened. To do this, it should be taken out in the sun for ten days. Initially, by a third of the hour, gradually increasing the time spent on the street to eight hours.
  3. It is necessary to observe the light and thermal conditions, as well as to feed the seedlings with special means that stimulate its growth.
  4. Planting tomato bushes in the beds should be, given the climate of the region. On one square meter of soil, 5-6 bushes are planted. When planting, the garter of the plant is required, as the brushes can break under the weight of tomatoes.
  5. It is also necessary to form a bush. In order to get a good and high-quality crop, stepsoning should be carried out, that is, remove all unnecessary shoots, leaving only one stem.
  6. It is necessary to water the plant in the evening, using warm water. For preventive purposes, in order to prevent the development of the disease, vegetable beds should be weeded, loosened and spud.

Productivity and scope

This variety is distinguished by large fruits, up to six tomatoes are formed in each brush. On one bush eight brushes are formed. For this reason, tomato yields in Country cottages are quite high. From each bush, the gardener will be able to collect up to 9 kilograms of fruit. This is possible if you follow the above recommendations for cultivation.

Tomato productivity Country bins

Tomatoes of this variety are widely used for culinary purposes. From delicious and fragrant tomatoes, tomato pastes, sauces, ketchups, drinks are prepared. In addition, they are used to prepare blanks for the winter. Since the fruits have excellent taste, they are eaten and fresh, and salads and vegetable slices are also prepared.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Having studied the positive and negative sides, the owner of the garden will be able to decide whether to use this variety for cultivation on his plot or not.Experienced gardeners distinguish the following from the advantages of tomatoes: Country bins:

  1. High yield.
  2. The plant is unpretentious in care.
  3. The fruits do not crack, are stored for a long time and have good transportable characteristics.
  4. Tomatoes taste great.
  5. Used for the preparation of many varieties of blanks for the winter.

The disadvantages of the variety include the fact that:

  • bushes must be formed;
  • obligatory treatment of diseases is required.

Opinions of gardeners

In order to have a more complete picture of the variety that interests you, you should study the reviews of people who have already grown such tomatoes in their garden. As a rule, gardeners respond positively about this species and, having planted at the Dachny bins once, in the future they will return to this variety again.

These tomatoes will surely appeal to those who love high-quality tomato juice and fresh tomatoes. And high productivity will not leave indifferent any lover of vegetable plantings.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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