Tomato Country pet - description and characteristics of the variety

A huge number of tomatoes of completely different varieties are grown on the territory of the country, both on an industrial scale and in the framework of domestic use. Among the variety of varieties, you can easily find tall tomatoes that need to be tied, undersized varieties, as well as late and very early ones. Gardeners who choose determinant varieties prefer tomatoes in which at least several fruits are tied. Such a multi-fruit variety of tomatoes is the Country dacha, which has gained great popularity among gardeners from different regions of the country engaged in self-cultivation of this vegetable crop.

Tomato Country Favorite

Plant features

According to the data of qualified specialists and experienced gardeners, the variety Dachny darling has the following distinctive characteristics:

  1. The variety belongs to undersized, but a garter is needed on demand.
  2. The ability to plant seedlings not only in the greenhouse, but also in open ground.
  3. Eating tomatoes is quite versatile and suitable for any need.

Tomato variety Country pet is not considered a hybrid culture, which allows any summer resident and gardener to independently take seeds for the future harvest in compliance with all the rules.

Fruit Description

It is important to know that the Dachny pet variety is different in height because of the landing site. In open ground, the bush will be slightly lower than that planted in the greenhouse. This should be taken into account if the greenhouse necessarily requires a stunted bush without further tying up the shoots.

All bushes of the Dachny pet variety are almost identical in shape and differences are difficult to find. The fruit bush of this vegetable crop during growth forms two strong trunks that carry up to 15 fruit-bearing brushes. Each of these fruit branches of tomatoes is capable of developing about 10-12 flowers, which, after good pollination, are tied into excellent quality fruits. Ripening of tomatoes occurs almost simultaneously. This makes it possible to simultaneously harvest in the amount required by the gardener.

In the process of growth, the fruits are distinguished by a light, light green tint. In the area of ​​the stalk, you can see the spot several tones lighter than the main color of the tomato fruit, which eventually becomes a darker shade. With full ripeness, the fetus acquires a saturated red color, and a spot of a different color in the stalk merges with the main color and does not stand out.

The shape of a fully ripe fruit is round, has a slight flattening on top.

Seedlings and planting

Most summer residents living in the middle of the country prefer the seedling method of growing tomatoes. The option of collecting material does not matter at all. It can be either purchased in specialized stores, or taken independently.

Seedlings of tomatoes Country favorite

  1. In approximately 2-2.5 months, the correct soil is prepared for future seedlings, which must necessarily include peat, the necessary fertilizers with important trace elements in their composition and garden soil.
  2. The day before sowing, it is necessary to get containers for planting seeds so that they are comfortable at room temperature, soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate or aloe juice, which must be washed before planting under running water at a gentle temperature.
  3. Planting is done in the finished soil, one seed per tank, which is covered with soil no more than 1 cm, sprayed with warm water and covered with cling film to create a greenhouse effect.
  4. It is important to maintain the correct temperature in containers - up to 24 degrees and water from the spray gun. Before planting, it is necessary to fertilize the soil up to 3 times with biological fertilizers.
  5. Diving is performed at the regrowth stage of the 2nd and 3rd leaf.
  6. 7-9 days before transplanting into the soil, seedlings need to be hardened, periodically taking it to the open air.
  7. Transplantation is done in finished wells, abundantly poured with warm water. The distance between the tomato rows should not be less than 70 cm. After planting after 10 days, it is important to fertilize the bushes again. In the process of growth, tomatoes require fertilizer, but in small quantities to avoid burns.

Bushes do not grow above 60 cm, but if necessary they can be tied up. It is not difficult to form a bush, and only removal of stepsons is required.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The peculiarity of the variety “Country pet” is resistance to almost all known and common garden diseases. To be sure that there are no unforeseen diseases for sure, it is important to carry out prevention. To do this, you can purchase ready-made chemicals, for example, Trichodermin.

Gardeners reviews

  1. Anastasia, Tyumen: Great tomatoes that I planted in the ground and the greenhouse. They require garters, but the rest of the work with them is simple. In the greenhouse they were bred 2 weeks earlier than in the ground, but the fruits were the same, very tasty and strong.
  2. Olga, St. Petersburg: I planted tomatoes only in the greenhouse, I liked them. It turned out to be quite frost-resistant, after landing there was a freeze 2 days after landing. The harvest was rich.

The tomato variety "Country pet" is the right choice for a rich harvest, which also depends on the diligence and efficiency of the summer resident. This variety will provide quality tomatoes suitable for any type of subsequent work with them.

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