Tomato Darenka - description and characteristics of the variety

Many gardeners like Darenka tomatoes. This medium-ripening variety is valued mainly because its purpose is universal. It can be grown both on open ground and in greenhouses. Tomatoes are canned and used as components of vegetable salads.

Tomato Darenka

For what qualities do summer residents choose the Darenka variety?

Many gardeners are familiar with such a problem as the lack of space on the site. They want to plant beds with many vegetable crops. To achieve a good result, you need to follow the recommendations on the circulation of crops. Therefore, we must look for the optimal variety.

Among other varieties of tomatoes, Darenka has a special place. This variety is grown in the central and southern regions, in beds and in greenhouses. Harvest is always rich. The variety has the following qualities:

  1. The bush is indeterminate (planted in open ground - can reach up to 1.2 meters in height, in film greenhouses - 1.5 meters).
  2. The variety is mid-season (from germination to harvesting takes 125 days).
  3. About 12 brushes form on one stem.
  4. Up to six fruits ripen on one brush.
  5. Sheets of dark green color.
  6. The bush has medium leafiness.
  7. The fruits are large.

A distinctive characteristic of the variety is that it is not demanding on lighting. The fruits ripen in slight shading. The tomato is able to withstand a short-term drop in temperature (the formation of ovaries does not stop).

Features of variety and fruits

Breeders breed many types of mid-season tomatoes. However, Darenka has special characteristics. Gardeners describe the resulting crop as follows:

  • the shape of the tomatoes is elongated, resembles a cylinder with a "nose";
  • the weight of the fetus is up to 200-300 grams;
  • unripe fruit of green color with a pale spot in the area of ​​the stalk;
  • the color of ripe tomato is intense red;
  • the peel is dense;
  • tomatoes do not crack with high humidity in the street;
  • the flesh is tender, has a pronounced aroma;
  • There are very few seeds in a tomato.

If the summer months are characterized by good weather and sunshine, Darenka will please tomatoes with a pleasant sweet taste. Fruits grown in shading have a more acidic taste and smaller size. How juicy the fruit will depend on the regularity of watering.

Summer residents can collect delicious tomatoes of the Darenka variety from the second half of August. It should be noted that tomatoes of this variety are perfectly transported without losing their presentation.

How to grow and care for tomatoes?

How to grow and care for tomatoes Darenka
When compared with other varieties of tomatoes, this variety can be called unpretentious. However, to obtain the desired result, namely the rich harvest promised by the breeders, some rules must be observed. The requirements for growing tomatoes of this variety are as follows:

  1. Sowing seeds for seedlings should be made in the last decade of March.
  2. Seeds from the manufacturer do not need to be checked for germination and disinfected.
  3. If the material is collected independently, you should check the seeds for germination - for this you need to lower them into a container of water, empty seeds will float to the surface.
  4. Material collected manually requires washing in a solution of potassium permanganate, in which it must be kept for two hours.
  5. Seedlings must be fertilized (at least twice before planting on the beds).
  6. Seedlings should be planted in the ground after the last spring frosts.
  7. In order for the tomatoes to grow well, and as a result of a large yield, it is necessary to regularly fertilize the bushes with mineral fertilizing (before the fruit is loaded).
  8. Bushes must be tied to supports, form (no more than four stems), pinch and lighten.

Description of Darenka tomatoes can be found in the State Register of Vegetable Crops of the Russian Federation. It is successfully grown in farms and small gardens.

Reviews gardeners about tomatoes varieties Darenka

Most owners of suburban areas and gardens love the Darenka variety. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews about this variety of tomatoes. Summer residents appreciate such tomatoes for many positive qualities, namely excellent taste and marketability, no problems during transportation, universal purpose. Of the minuses, only the size of the bush is isolated. Gardeners do not like that when growing Darenka tomatoes in the open ground, there are some inconveniences when sheltering tall plants.

Video: iodine - a super remedy for tomato seedlings!

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