Tomato Dina - description and characteristics of the variety

Dinah is a mid-season determinant variety of tomatoes with orange fruits. Harvest can be harvested 90 days after planting seedlings in open ground. Tomato Dina is not a hybrid culture, but this means the possibility of collecting seeds for cultivation in subsequent years. Fruits are spherical, very sweet, with yellow or orange pulp. With proper agricultural technology can weigh up to 140 g.

Tomato Dina


The advantage of the Dina variety is the meatiness of the fruits and the presence of an insignificant amount of seeds. Tomato is ideal for making salads. Tomato can be quite successfully grown in open ground, but cultivation in greenhouse conditions is preferable.

The variety has high yields, on average, up to four kilograms per bush. Tomatoes are placed so that they are as far apart as possible. On one square meter, you can grow no more than 2-3 bushes. From the fruits you can collect seeds for growing in subsequent years.

Yellow tomatoes to a large extent provide the human body with minerals, which include salts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include the following:

  1. High yields.
  2. Great taste.
  3. Long fruiting period.
  4. Resistance to temperature extremes, pests and fungal diseases.
  5. Good transportability and long shelf life.
  6. By cons include instability to apical rot.
  7. For the prevention of diseases, Ecosil and Ridomil Gold preparations are used.

Those who categorically against the use of chemicals can recommend a weak solution of sodium chloride. To prepare it, you need to dissolve one glass of salt in five liters of water.

Tomatoes with orange fruits contain a complex of nutrients. For example, Dina fruit contains a large amount of provitamin A, which is recommended for use as a prophylactic for cancer.

Growing Features

In the early days, seedlings need high humidity. When planting in open ground at the bottom of each hole make a teaspoon of complex mineral fertilizers.

Seedling bushes are transplanted by transshipment method - together with a lump of land. Make sure that the distance between the rows does not exceed 0.5 m. The distance between the bushes should be 40-50 cm. The plant needs regular and plentiful watering, timely weeding. Seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers that accelerate the growth of the bush.

Features of growing tomato Dean

  1. Seedlings are planted in open ground after passing the threat of the last frost. There should be no more than three bushes per square meter.
  2. Seedlings for planting in the soil select the strongest. The plant feels great in loamy soil. The place where the tomatoes grow should be well lit by the sun.
  3. Particular attention is paid to soil preparation. It is pre-treated with a solution of copper sulfate, which prevents the development of fungal diseases. The soil should be loosened regularly (once a week). Aisles are recommended to mulch with straw or sawdust. Planting a plant should be no deeper than 10-12 cm. Regular top dressing with complex fertilizers is recommended.
  4. Loosening the soil is recommended every two weeks if the culture is grown in heavy soils. Thorough and deep cultivation is necessary in the first fifteen days after planting.
  5. It is advisable to eradicate the bushes on day 9 from planting in open ground.Before the event, plants need to be watered. Watering in combination with loosening accelerates the development of the root system.
  6. Abundant and regular watering is an important component of tomato care. It is best to water the plantings in the afternoon under the root.

In particularly dry years, watering is carried out every day. In this case, the plant must be watered strictly under the root, otherwise there is a risk of sunburn.

Fertilizers are applied during heavy watering. For plant nutrition, organics and complex mineral preparations are used.

Diseases and Pests

Signs of late blight are dark brown spots on the foliage. Subsequently, the fruits are also covered with growing spots, which leads to deformation, decay. To combat the disease, specialized drugs are used. When using fungicides, the recommendations on the back of the package must be followed.

Watery rot occurs due to the action of sucking or gnawing pests. In this case, the lower part of the stem is damaged. Over time, rot spreads to the fruit.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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