Tomato Dino - description and characteristics of the variety

The appearance of a new tomato variety “Dino F1” aroused great interest among domestic summer residents. Indeed, the first practical experiments of ordinary gardeners - amateurs showed that this novelty surpasses many popular varieties in quality. It is also attractive that tomato is successfully cultivated not only in regions with a favorable stable climate, but also in the central regions of Russia and in Belarus. In addition, tomato Dino f1 feels excellent in garden beds and in the field, this variety gives high yields in greenhouses.

Tomato Dino

Tomato Description

It should be noted right away that the “Dino F1” is a hybrid that emerged thanks to the many years of work of French breeders from Clause. This representative of tomato crops is resistant to such common diseases as: fusarium, bacterial spotting. The variety is distinguished by high productivity and good taste. All these qualities in the complex have served to ensure that the novelty is now widely distributed, and farmers and ordinary summer residents are eager to acquire hybrid seeds.

Grade Features

Dino F1 tomatoes with good care reach impressive size. The plant forms a branched bushy system with a powerful root system by the time of ripening. But tall bushes of determinant tomato reach no more than one meter. Thick leaves protect the fruit from the harmful effects of sunlight.

The first fruits appear, as a rule, 70 days after transplanting seedlings. They have an elongated plum-shaped form, and their length reaches 8 cm. According to experienced gardeners, more than 4 fruits weighing up to 150 grams can be removed from each brush. The fruits are distinguished by a rich bright red hue. They have a fairly dense peel, giving a glossy sheen.

If you store Dino F1 tomatoes at temperatures up to 20 *, they will retain all their qualities for two weeks. Tomatoes of this variety can be added to salads, canned, included in various dishes.

An important point! Experts recommend not removing tomatoes from the bush until they completely turn red.

Hybrid Benefits

Of course, the complex of outstanding characteristics of the variety “Dino F1” increases the demand for the purchase of seeds of this crop. Summer residents and farmers who have been cultivating the hybrid for several seasons have made their own conclusions regarding its worthy qualities. Here is a list of these benefits:

  1. Early ripening allows you to get a stable crop in the middle of summer.
  2. Simple care does not provide for mandatory for other crops pinching and garter plants. If the tomatoes are regularly watered and weed the soil, they will delight a good harvest.
  3. Strong peel protects tomatoes from damage and allows them to be transported over long distances.
  4. Excellent taste will enrich the daily diet of the family.

Planting time

By the way, the Dino F1 hybrid grows well not only in greenhouse conditions, but also in open ground. The compact parameters of the bushes allow many plants to be planted on small areas. Since the culture does not need special care, a summer resident or a farmer may not spend time on additional activities. Sowing seeds should be in mid-March, if the crop is grown in the middle climatic zone. First you need to prepare the soil:

Dino F1 tomato planting time

  1. The soil must be mixed with river sand, add peat or humus.
  2. Soil should definitely be disinfected by: annealing, freezing or steaming.
  3. The seeds of the Dino f1 hybrid do not need chemical treatment and germination.
  4. 2 seeds are planted in each peat pot of 1.5 cm.
  5. Top seeds are sprinkled with earth, then you need to sprinkle the sowing place with water.
  6. When the first leaves appear, you need to pick a plant.

Helpful advice! In open soil, seedlings are planted with a pot. This procedure should be carried out only after the end of the period of frost. The height of the tomato should be at least 20 cm. Bushes should be planted at a distance of 40 cm.

Care Rules

A set of care measures is reduced to periodically loosening the soil (every 2 weeks) and removing weeds. Watering is done directly under the root every week. Moisture on flowers and leaves should be avoided. Feeding is recommended in four stages.

Residents of summer residents about the hybrid “Dino F1”

  1. Svetlana Lazareva, Cheboksary: The first time I tried to plant hybrids about five years ago. I tried to do everything according to the instructions in order to get a good harvest. And indeed, my hopes were not deceived: all summer my family was enjoying fresh tomatoes. Enough for the winter to make stocks.
  2. TAtyana Igorevna, Moscow Region: Tomato seeds "Dino f1" gave me a neighbor in the country. The first harvest simply overwhelmed me, because I am not a fan in the gardening business. Almost did not care for the bushes, but watered regularly and pulled out the grass. But the fruits pleased with the early ripening and amazing taste.

Video: Dino variety tomatoes

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