Tomato Good F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Hybrids of plants of the first generation are selected in order to take the best from their predecessors. In this way, a variety of tomatoes Good was created, which is a tall plant. It is ideal for fit under the film.

Tomato Good F1

The main features of hydride

Good F1 is the right choice if you need to get a tasty and high-quality tomato crop by the summer. Its shoots are classified as tall and grow to 160-180 cm. Large leaves of a dark green hue are located on long stems. Dobry grade tomatoes are dense and smooth in structure. In unripe form they have a light green color, in ripened - red. The shape of the fruit is flat-round, their weight is about 170 g. The variety has a juicy sweet taste, which is what makes the hybrid one of the best.

Ripe tomatoes are used for salads, vegetable dishes and canning. The ripening period is 110-120 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.

Important! Good F1 should be grown only in closed ground, because in the open it does not have time to ripen. One square meter accounts for 10 to 13 kg of fresh tomatoes.

Since the variety Good is ranked among the F1 generation, the plant tolerates diseases well. It is not susceptible to fusarium and viral mosaic. Due to its outstanding qualities, this hybrid is widely distributed among country gardens.

Seedling Care

Tomato seeds must be prepared in advance. Prevention helps to achieve healthy and hardy seedlings. Seeds must be put in a canvas bag and dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. It is necessary to dilute 1 g of crystals in a glass of water at room temperature.

The next step is to put a bag of seeds in a solution of nitrofoska (mineral fertilizer). He must insist there for 2 hours. To instill resistance to cold and heat to seeds, they must be kept warm for one day, and then two days in the cold.

Soil is scattered on containers, where it is moistened and tamped. Then the seeds are planted. They should be 2 cm apart and at a depth of 1.5 cm. In order for the seeds to sprout, the tray with the ground is covered with a film of polyethylene. It is recommended to put it in a place where the sun often shines.

Seedlings should be looked after as follows:
Care for tomato seedlings Good F1

  1. Water it every 1-2 weeks. Time depends on the state of the soil surface.
  2. Observe temperature conditions. This is a particularly important point. Sprouts will grow faster if the environment has less than 16 degrees of heat in the first week, in all subsequent weeks - below 20 degrees.
  3. Dive seedlings as soon as 3 leaves appear.
  4. Feed seedlings after transplantation with nitrophos. Dose - 15 grams per bucket of water.
  5. A week before the transfer of the sprouts to greenhouse conditions, each bush must be treated with boric acid.

How to prepare a greenhouse

Any greenhouse is prepared for planting plants in the fall season. The main event is a thorough sterilization of the entire room. The wooden frame must be impregnated with sulfur smoke: a mixture of sulfur and kerosene is placed on iron plates and set on fire. Within 24 hours, sulfur smolders and forms a protection against fungus and pests.

If the greenhouse frame is made of metal, then a solution of lime bleach must be used instead of sulfur. She needs to process the entire inner surface of the room.

The soil is supposed to be completely replaced with a new one every 5 years. Before the direct planting of vegetables, the soil mixture is always sterilized with Bordeaux liquid (a remedy against fungal diseases for plants).

Tomatoes are warm-loving vegetables, so the earth must warm from the inside. It is necessary to pour a layer of sawdust 10 cm thick under it, and then compost - 20 cm.

How to transplant

If the greenhouse is well heated, then seedlings need to be transplanted into it at the end of April. And under the film transplanted until mid-May.

Instructions for planting vegetables:

  1. In the ground it is necessary to make many pits deep into 15 cm.
  2. Plants should be watered 30 minutes before planting in closed soil, and long roots should be cut.
  3. Sprouts are placed in the soil to the first leaf. The elongated seedlings are slightly tilted, slightly covering the stem with earth.
  4. It is necessary to tamp the surface around the plant, and treat the leaves and shoots with Bordeaux liquid. Dose - 100 gr. on 10 l of water.
  5. Tomatoes of the Good f1 variety must be sure to tie the stems to the pegs driven into the ground.

The view of gardeners

The variety is excellent fruiting in greenhouse conditions. The crop is of high quality, and the taste of the fruit is beyond all expectations. Each gardener who cultivated Dobry tomatoes in himself noticed that they are resistant to various diseases.

To quickly ripen the fruits on the bushes, you need to remove red tomatoes from the branches in a timely manner. Following the recommendations in the middle of the summer season, you can collect a lot of kilograms of tomatoes.

Video: 9 secrets of harvested tomatoes

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