Tomato Dobrynya Nikitich - description and characteristics of the variety

When tomatoes of the Dobrynya Nikitich variety are on the counter, their eyes stop involuntarily, they are so big - weighing more than 200 grams, strong, rosy-cheeked and attractive. Indeed, real good fellows!

Tomato Dobrynya Nikitich

Grade description

The tomato was bred for growing in greenhouse conditions, primarily in film greenhouses. However, in those regions where the climate is the most sparing, tomatoes can grow in open ground, as they belong to the group of resistant ones. In well-heated greenhouses, they can be grown throughout the year, and they will bring a good harvest.

The bushes grow two-meter, so a garter for them is mandatory. Usually use the support horizontal or vertical. The leaves have a slightly elongated shape, during the growth of seedlings have a pale green color, and on the bushes acquire saturated green.

Features of the fruit, their use

The fruits are large, the presentation is always excellent. Carries well transportations, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to store them for a long time. According to experienced gardeners, some fruits reach unprecedented weight - over 650 gr. The shape is slightly flattened, a feature of the variety is the numerous unevenly located ribbing. Ripe pink tomato, fleshy pulp and very tasty.

This variety is bred with the aim of using it fresh in salads. It is not suitable for harvesting in winter. You can preserve the fruit, but only in slices or as juice and fruit drink. Dobrynya Nikitich is not susceptible to many dangerous diseases that crop plants suffer from, as it has good resistance against them.

Proper planting will give a good harvest

  1. Since bushes of the variety Dobrynya Nikitich grow on average up to 2 m, they should be planted at a certain distance from each other. For this, the so-called “50 by 50 cm” technology is used. Productivity is approximately 15 kg per 1 m2.
  2. The growing season lasts from 110 to 115 days. To grow seedlings, it is better to plant seeds that were previously purchased only in a specialized store in March. If the seedlings grow together, get strong, then after 50 days they can be planted in a greenhouse or, if the weather is favorable, in open ground. This variety tolerates short spring frosts well.
  3. In order for the crop to be the highest, it is necessary to constantly care for the bushes. First of all, you need to take care of the formation of the stem in 1 - 2 trunks. In order for the fruits to be very large, after 6 or 7 ovaries, the stem needs to be peeled. By removing the lower leaves and stepsons, you can thereby contribute to the fastest ovary and accelerate the ripening of fruits.
  4. Feeding such a hero as Dobrynya Nikitich will be required. Experts advise using ash or chicken droppings for these purposes. It will require mulching the soil. It is advisable to carry out this procedure periodically, starting immediately from the time of planting seedlings in the ground. This is the best option if the mulch is small, because as it dries, there will be no problems during the loosening of the earth, and it will still bring tangible benefits, but once in the ground.
  5. Mineral fertilizing is necessary about 3 times during the cultivation. Organic fertilizers will bring more benefits if you apply them alternately alternating with irrigation or during irrigation. But in no case should tomatoes be kept in constant dampness. For normal pollination, in order for the ovary to form, the humidity should not exceed 65 percent.If the level is higher, the pollen begins to stick together, and this leads to the fact that pollination does not occur. But even in the absence of the proper amount of moisture, the tomatoes are harmed because the pollen starts to fly away, but should fall on the pestle. They also can’t stand too intense dressing with fertilizers, and can die. Phytosporin spray will benefit.
  6. Watering should be done with warm water, warmed up to 20 degrees. Permissible water temperature for irrigation is not lower than 12 degrees. If watering alternates with loosening the soil directly under the bushes, you can prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, provide plants with air.

Growing these tomatoes in the winter in the greenhouse, it is important to observe a single temperature regime and ensure that the lighting is correct. Dobrynya Nikitich is a variety that prefers warmth, a lot of light, then it grows well and gives a high percentage of yield. Therefore, the heated soil should be up to 18 - 22 degrees heat. If possible, then extend the daylight hours artificially for an additional 4 - 5 hours. Often you have to turn on artificial light around the clock due to cloudy days without the sun.

Video: Dobrynya Nikitich Tomatoes

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