Tomato don juan - description and characteristics of the variety

Fans of vegetable crops of unusual colors will surely like tomatoes, a variety of which is called Don Juan. Such tomatoes differ from other types by the presence of strips. Every year, striped tomatoes are becoming more popular among owners of suburban areas. This variety is appreciated by gardeners not only for its original coloring, but also for excellent taste data.

Tomato Don Juan

Appetizing striped tomatoes Don Giovanni

Breeders have created this variety for planting in open beds and in greenhouses in all Russian regions. The bush is determinant, reaches a small height, in one season grow up to 70 centimeters. Tomato belongs to early ripening varieties, you can get the first crop after 90-100 days from seedling sprouting.

Not a single gardener will be impressed by the high productivity of this tomato variety: from each bush you can collect 6.5-8 kg of tomatoes. This is a fairly large indicator for a short variety.

It should be noted the low frost resistance of this plant. When planting in open beds, it is necessary to take into account such a feature and not rush to plant seedlings in a permanent place before it becomes stable on the street.

Original tomatoes cannot but impress the owners of the gardens. This is evidenced by the numerous positive reviews that gardeners leave about this variety. There is nothing surprising in this: due to the unusual coloring of tomatoes, the plant looks very picturesque. Ripe tomatoes are red with yellow stripes. Unripe fruits look like small watermelons in their appearance. The main color of unripe tomatoes is pale green, there are a few dark green longitudinal stripes.

In shape, the tomatoes resemble an elongated plum. As stated in the description from the manufacturer, the fruit should have a "nose". However, this is not noticeable in photographs of tomatoes of this variety published by gardeners. Probably the "nose" is poorly visible. Tomatoes are not large, their weight is 80-100 grams. The pulp is rich in juiciness and tenderness of the structure. The taste can be described as sweet and sour.

Due to their excellent palatability, Don Juan loves to eat fresh tomatoes and also use them as ingredients for preparing a variety of preserves. From striped fruits make tomato juice, seaming for the winter, sauces. Don Juan will undoubtedly decorate the festive table: vegetable salads, which include such tomatoes, are characterized by sophistication of taste.

Housewives are especially fond of using striped tomatoes for the preparation of preservation - due to the density of the skin, they keep their shape perfectly, and the color will decorate any dish, making it original and festive.

How to grow Don Juan tomatoes

Sowing seeds of this variety is carried out in March. After 50-55 days, seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place. People who planted such tomatoes noted that the seedlings have an excellent commercial appearance, therefore they sell well in the market. Before planting the bushes on the beds or in the greenhouse, it is necessary to harden the seedlings for seven days. To do this, the capacity in which it grows must be taken out into the open air, and at night, lower the temperature to 10-15 degrees.

How to grow Don Juan tomatoes

When growing a vegetable crop of this variety, you must follow the standard rules, which include the following:

  1. Garter to the support.
  2. Pasynkovka (removal of all unnecessary shoots).
  3. Regular watering: if tomatoes are grown on beds, they should be watered two to three times a week (depending on weather conditions), in a greenhouse - twice a week.
  4. Removing weeds between rows.
  5. Loosening the soil.
  6. Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers (carried out two to three times in one season).

Reviews gardeners

As mentioned above, people who cultivated tomatoes at their summer cottages don Juan, mostly respond positively to this variety, noting the attractive appearance of the fruit and excellent taste. In addition, gardeners like the fact that the variety is unpretentious in care and has a universal purpose: tomato juices, salads, pastas can be prepared from striped tomatoes. They can also be pickled, salted, dried. Very fond of bright, small fruit-like fruits are small children.

Summarizing:Plant several shrubs of this variety on your site, and tomatoes of an unusual color will delight you with their appearance throughout the season. In winter colds, striped tomatoes will cheer you up when you open cans with blanks for the winter.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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