Tomato Donskoy F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Donskoy F1, as its name implies, is a hybrid variety. Such varieties are created by breeders in order to take their best qualities from parental varieties and, if possible, get rid of the shortcomings. As a rule, hybrid types are distinguished by a higher resistance to diseases, increased vitality, and better productivity. As can be seen from the reviews of gardeners, Donskoy F1 has exactly these properties.

Tomato Donskoy F1

Grade description

Donskoy F1 hybrid is a determinant type variety, which means it is undersized. Its bushes grow 60 cm in height. The leaves are medium in size, bright green in color. The variety belongs to early ripe tomatoes, poorly tolerating heavy watering. The growing season is quite short: from the first loops to the moment when you can collect the first fruits, it takes about 90 days.

A characteristic feature of this hybrid is that adverse conditions do not prevent the plant from forming ovaries. The crop is ripening very amicably, in two waves. Tomatoes can be easily separated from the mother branch, as a result of which they are not damaged, can be transported without loss to the place of storage and stored for a sufficiently long period of time. Moreover, the fruits of this variety ripen well if they are placed in a warm room, protected from light. This feature is readily used by professional vegetable growers, taking the harvest of the first wave at the stage of brown coloring and putting them to ripen in special rooms.

Features and Applications

The fruits of this variety have impressive characteristics. They are strong in consistency, and are rich in red. They are characterized by a pronounced pleasant aroma and excellent sweet and sour taste. These tomatoes are not too large, their mass can reach 120 grams.

The shape of the fruit is round, having a drop-shaped descent, with a small depression in the area of ​​the stalk. The peel is dense and durable. Fruits are used, first of all, for the manufacture of canned food and pickles.

Growing principles

  1. In order to get a high yield and excellent quality fruits, the seeds are first germinated for seedlings, which are then planted in the ground.
  2. To count on a high yield, sowing seeds for seedlings should be after March 20. Germination seeds begin to be prepared in advance. To begin with, potassium permanganate is dissolved in water: up to one gram of substance crystals per glass of water. In this solution, tomato seeds are soaked for twenty minutes.
  3. For seed germination, containers are prepared, filling them with nutritious soil, which is then moistened and compacted. When shoots appear, seedlings should be illuminated with an agrolamp for a long time, up to 18 hours every day.
  4. As the seedlings grow, it requires care in compliance with certain rules. Watering containers is carried out at intervals of one or two weeks - depending on how much the topsoil retains moisture. For the proper development of seedling shoots, it is necessary to maintain a special temperature regime. In order for the stems to form strong, seedlings must be periodically hardened and aerated.
  5. During the cultivation of seedlings, it must be fed at least twice. Special mineral complexes for seedlings are suitable for this.
  6. After the appearance of the second true leaflet, seedlings are dived - transplanted into a more spacious container. This is necessary so that the root system becomes strong.
  7. For a dive, glasses or containers of 500 ml are quite suitable.To complete this procedure, it is advisable to fertilize the seedlings with complex fertilizers.
  8. Seedlings are planted in the soil in May. This can be done both in open ground and in the greenhouse. In the case of planting a tomato in a greenhouse, it must be prepared. They begin to do this in the fall, when the harvest of the past season has already been harvested. The greenhouse is disinfected to remove pathogenic fungi and pests from it. If it is built of wooden structures, it is fumigated with sulfur. If the greenhouse is built on a metal frame, it can be sprayed inside with a solution of bleach. Soil is also disinfected with Bordeaux fluid.
  9. Before planting tomatoes in the ground, containers with seedlings are spilled with water; if long roots creep out of the glass, they are shortened. In the wells, seedlings are buried to the bottom leaf; if the plant is very long, it is planted at an angle and the stem is partially covered with soil. After planting, the soil near the stem of the seedlings is compacted, the plants are well treated with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (100 grams are dissolved in 10 liters of water). After this, the plants are tied to the supports.
  10. After planting the tomatoes in the soil, they should be regularly fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers according to the instructions of their manufacturer. The Donskoy F1 variety is characterized by very abundant fruiting, which can overload the plant stems with fruits. Because of this, agronomists recommend the use of garter bushes.

Since Donskoy F1 tomatoes do not like heavy watering in order to protect the fruits from rotting, it is advisable to use the option with drip irrigation of beds. Thus, it will be possible to prevent moisture from entering the leaves. Regularly continue to feed the plants with mineral complexes. Feeding can be stopped 20 days before the planned harvest.

Keep in mind that the first crop is always more abundant than subsequent harvests. In any case, all fruits should be removed before the cold snap begins in August in order to save plants from late blight.

Grade Benefits

This hybrid is really very convenient for cultivation by amateur gardeners.

  1. Firstly, it is very unpretentious and simple enough to grow. In particular, a simple automatic watering will allow you to successfully grow this variety, arriving at your site only on Saturday and Sunday.
  2. Secondly, it, like many hybrids, is resistant to brown leaf spot (cladosporiosis).
  3. Thirdly, its plants are not infected with the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).


Gardeners especially like the yield of the variety and the friendly formation of ovaries. Especially respondents to the polls note the early ripening of its fruits. Consistency of the fetus and its taste are considered “good”. Negative reviews deserved only the peel, which many consider too rough; on the other hand, this particular feature of the hybrid makes its transportation and storage efficient and easy.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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