Tomato Druzhok - description and characteristics of the variety

High-yielding early ripe tomato variety Druzhok is in demand in the market of vegetable growers for many reasons and indicators.

Tomato Friend

Early ripening stunted tomato, stopping its growth, after laying the inflorescences on the top of the bush, is intended for cultivation by professionals and amateurs on the open ground and in glazed greenhouses, polycarbonate greenhouses or film greenhouses. A very unpretentious variety in care, early ripening, and has high quality presentation, good yield indicators.

Grade description

The friend has a beautiful bright red glossy color of the fruit. The hybrid tomato grows a total height of 55-75 cm, the period until the first crop ripens lasts 90-95 days. When grown in closed greenhouses, growth increases to 85-90 cm. A bush with 4-5 brushes of 7-8 fruits each gains a certain weight, therefore, it is recommended to tie them to preserve the stem.

With proper care, the yield is high and amounts to about 15-16 kilograms per square meter of plantations, and from one plant up to 4 kg. Tomatoes ripen in standard weight and shape, on average about 100 grams.

Fruits are round in shape, juicy and fleshy, ripened almost simultaneously, suitable for canning in general. They have a sweet taste, which is important for the preparation of tomato juice and sauces for meat dishes, instant salads and fresh meals, processing for ketchup and seasoning for the first dishes. The Druzhok variety is a hybrid resistant to diseases, weather-resistant, high-yielding and easily transported, not susceptible to decay and cracking in ripe form.

Dates for sowing and planting seedlings

The grown seedlings are planted at the age of 30-35 days after sowing, the planting period is calculated with the onset of constant warm nights, at a temperature not lower than 10-12 degrees of heat, so that the growth of the hybrid and the formation of fruitful brushes do not slow down. Seedlings are planted in the morning or evening to quickly root the bush in a new place. If you plan to land on a permanent place in early June, then sowing must be done in early May.

Plant care during the growing season

Tomato Care

  1. On the eve of sowing, the seeds must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing seeds should be done in wooden crates with a depth of not more than 10 cm, leave a distance of at least 5 cm between the grooves. The depth of sowing should be about 1 cm in moist moist ground.
  2. The temperature regime should be stable, not lower than 20-25 degrees for the best germination of seeds. To accelerate the growth of sprouts, liquid top dressing is used for vegetable crops, once a week.
  3. When diving and planting in the wells of plants add a little ash or peat - for additional nutrition of the root system. If there is a high indication of clay soil impurities, it is recommended to add a little wood sawdust, humus and sand to the holes or furrows.
  4. Plants with 5-6 leaves are ready for transplantation into the soil. The distance between adult plants should not be less than 40 cm, and in rows - less than 80 cm.
  5. Watering after rooting the tomato is done once a week. Preventing the weight of the soil layer, periodically loosening the soil with the removal of weeds.
  6. Fertilizing with fertilizers is performed until the formation of tomatoes in the ovary of the hands, followed by watering to dissolve the granules and assimilation by the root system.
  7. For normal ripening of vegetable crops, an optimal temperature of 28-33 degrees of heat is suitable. Note! This variety is very resistant to elevated temperatures, tolerates a hot period with soil warming up to 40 degrees. The maximum amount of ultraviolet rays affects the increase in the palatability of a tomato.
  8. When a vegetable is ripening, a set of color and taste, it is necessary to moisten the root part of the tomato, which prevents the stem from drying out. In the inter-row space triple the mulching of the soil, retaining moisture.

When tomato ripens under the influence of sunlight, the natural formation of the natural antioxidant lycopene and beta-carotene occurs. The fruits are useful for eating fresh daily, in order to prevent the occurrence of cancer, increase the vitality of blood vessels, improve vision, heart, liver and intestines. The peel of tomatoes contains a large amount of fiber, serotonin and thiamine, which are hormones of happiness. The vegetable is useful for mental and physical exertion, for quick recovery, maintains blood sugar levels within normal limits, helps strengthen immunity and improves overall well-being with anemia. It is a low calorie diet product with a lot of youth vitamins.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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