Tomato Soul of Siberia - description and characteristics of the variety

Soul of Siberia is a mid-season hybrid variety. The plant is tall, it is planted and grown in open beds or in greenhouses. The variety is characterized by resistance to disease, tomatoes do not crack, differ in even shapes and sizes.

Tomato Soul of Siberia

Grade characteristics

The fruits have a pleasant aroma and sweet taste, fleshy, with a flat surface. There is no pale core in the inside, and there are yellow spots near the stalk. Planting seedlings is carried out on 50-55 days after sowing seeds with a frequency of three to four stems per square meter. The plant must be tied up, stepsoned and formed into one stem.

If you read the reviews about tomatoes of this variety, it can be noted that it is characterized by high productivity. Fruits of round shape have a pleasant taste. Ripe tomatoes are easily transported, without losing their presentation. If the ripened fruits are collected, they ripen well at home.

Tomatoes of this variety must be tied up. To increase the yield, it is recommended to install special supports for the stems.

Distinctive qualities

Siberia is known for the fertility of its lands, thanks to which it was possible to get the best varieties of tomatoes. Breeders describe the Soul of Siberia variety as follows:

  • tall bushes - grow more than 180 centimeters;
  • weight of tomatoes - up to 900 grams;
  • ripening period is from 85 to 90 days;
  • ripe fruits are heart-shaped and pink in color;
  • the taste is sweet;
  • You can grow a plant both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Some fruits can reach a mass of 500-600 grams, the first harvest often gives tomatoes weighing from 700 to 850 grams. When growing on beds on each bush, three stems are formed, in greenhouses - two. Each stalk has six to eight fruits.

Crop description

If the season is characterized by good weather conditions, then gardeners manage to collect 5-6 kilograms of the crop. An average of 20-25 kilograms per square meter. This figure is considered high.

Positive and negative qualities of the variety

Tomatoes of this type are distinguished by a large number of advantages, among which it can be noted that the variety:

  • unpretentious to weather conditions;
  • resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • gives a rich harvest;
  • resistant to the development of diseases.

Tomatoes are successfully grown in all types of soil, respond well to mineral and organic top dressing.

Of the negative qualities, gardeners note that the greenhouse should be large in height, since the bushes are tall. For the same reason, it is necessary to reliably tie up the trunk and provide strong support to the branches so that they do not break.

When grown in heated greenhouses, crops can be harvested year-round. This is especially important for Siberia, in which the warm season is quite short.

Diseases and pests

Tomato diseases Soul of Siberia
Distinctive features of the variety are that tomatoes are not susceptible to fungal diseases. The presence of the disease may indicate that the care of a vegetable crop is very poor and of poor quality.

In order to avoid difficulties when growing such tomatoes, it is necessary to ensure optimal soil moisture, ventilating the greenhouse where the plant is contained.Significant temperature fluctuations do not harm tomatoes, but care must be taken. Pests, such as gourd aphids, can harm plant growth, leading to a decrease in crop yield. In this case, it is necessary to use special preparations, observing the recommendations indicated on the package. In addition, weeds should be removed where harmful insects can develop.

Strongly harm the bushes are capable of slugs. They are fighting them by applying ash to the soil and getting rid of excess leaves.

How to care for a plant

To get a rich harvest of tomatoes Soul of Siberia, the soil must be regularly loosened, watered and fed. When growing in a greenhouse, regular ventilation of the room is required.

Application area

Ripe tomatoes are usually not canned. They have excellent taste and contain a large amount of vitamins, so they are mainly consumed fresh, they are prepared from salads, tomato juice or pasta. Some housewives pickle tomatoes in a barrel way.

To summarize, it should be said that this variety is unpretentious in care. If you follow simple recommendations, you can collect a large number of delicious and fragrant fruits.

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