Tomato Dusya red - description and characteristics of the variety

Dusya red - tall, medium early, fruitful tomato. Bushes grow to 1.5 m. The fruits are oblong, fleshy, very tasty. The variety is unpretentious, universal in use. Tomatoes of excellent taste, resistant to diseases, very productive.

Tomato Dusya red


The plant is indeterminate, requires garter to the pore. The bush is formed into two stems. Fruits are collected in brushes of 10-15 pieces. The skin is dense, the pulp is juicy, sweet, with a high dry matter content. Dusya red tomatoes are ideal for pickling and canning.

The advantage of the variety is good fruit transportability, resistance to cracking and apical rot. The variety is medium early, the first fruits ripen 95-100 days after emergence. The plant is resistant to common diseases of the nightshade family. Fruiting continues until frost.

Cultivation and care

Tomato Dusya red prefers lighted areas and loves warmth. Therefore, it is important to determine in advance the place for landing. If the plant receives enough light, it will be able to bring more crops in the future. The soil for planting should be selected loamy or sandy loam.

Tomatoes can be grown in two ways - seeds, seedlings. And which method is better depends on climatic conditions. If the gardener is in no hurry to get a faster crop, then you can place the seeds immediately in the ground. If you want to get the crop earlier, it is best to first grow seedlings at home and only then plant them in an open place.

Before sowing, the seeds are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Use the seeds of the harvest last year, old seeds lose their germination. The sowing date is the end of March. After the appearance of 4 leaves, seedlings dive into greenhouses.

Before planting at a permanent place of cultivation, the soil is seasoned with humus, superphosphate. After planting tomatoes, aisles are watered and mulched.

Getting seedlings

Seedlings can be grown independently in greenhouses under the film. Tomato seedlings must be systematically (at least 3 times a day) watered, after a month the film begins to be opened periodically to harden the seedlings, eventually it is completely removed. After 50-60 days, the seedlings are planted in open ground, mulched with peat.

Seedling of tomatoes Dusya red

  1. Throughout the cultivation they provide care - soil loosening, irrigation, weed control.
  2. Land before planting must be prepared in advance. Dig holes and fertilize in the form of compost or humus. They will begin to bloom in one month.
  3. Planting is necessary in the last days of the May period or in early June. You should focus on weather conditions. It is important that the earth has time to warm up before planting, otherwise the plant may die.
  4. When growing tomatoes in seedlings, a container should be prepared, a mixture of peat and humus should be added there. Further, the earth is moistened, and only then are the seeds planted to a depth of two to three centimeters.
  5. Water the plant once every ten days. It is also important to use top dressing (2 will be enough). The first takes place after the first shoots, and the second ten days later.

Tomatoes require care, albeit insignificant. It is important to loosen the earth from time to time. Due to this, the root system will be able to receive heat and moisture. Therefore, the more often the gardener will loosen the beds, the better. It is also important to water the plant, but the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Since a large amount of water on the site can harm the plant from what it can die in the future.

Top dressing

Before planting in open ground, the fertile layer of land must be mixed with complex fertilizers. In the event that the soil is acidic, lime or dolomite flour is added to it.

You can feed the plants with special fertilizers purchased in stores, or harvest them yourself. The first crop can already be harvested from the site in 95-100 days. True, the first fruits will be small in size.

Plants can be affected by a stem nematode. With damage to the bushes, a thickening of the petioles and veins is observed. Affected areas of the plant first become brittle, and later soft. To combat the nematode, thiazone powder is used at a rate of 1-1.5 kg per 10 m2.

Tomatoes Dusya red are very fond of gardeners for their taste and unpretentiousness. The fruits are elongated, large, fleshy and sweet. The first fruits will delight 95-100 days after the emergence of seedlings. Do not forget that a properly formed bush is the key to a good harvest.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps!

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