Tomato Dzhempakt - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Dzhempakt F1 - a determinant productive hybrid for an open ground. Fruits on the bushes are collected in clusters of 12 to 18 pieces. All fruits are the same size, dense, fleshy, bright red, with elastic skin and marble pulp. Ripening of fruits occurs gradually, undulating, so you can harvest from mid-summer until October.

Tomato jampact


In the spring, every gardener and gardener raises the question: "What sort of tomato plant?". Of course, you can think a lot and finally come up with, and you can take and plant a versatile, productive and very tasty hybrid Dzhempakt F1.

  1. This variety is resistant to temperature changes, forms a good crop in almost any weather conditions. In a particularly rainy summer, it needs to be treated with fungicides and biostimulant preparations.
  2. The plant is low, determinant, resistant to common diseases of tomatoes. The bushes are completely covered with round one-dimensional fruits.
  3. The fruit weighs 100-150 g, they are ideal for processing into juice, mashed potatoes, ketchup. In addition, the Gempakt hybrid is a vegetable that can be used to the maximum for preparing various dishes.

Each crop has certain criteria for planting and growing, and tomato is certainly no exception.

Landing area

The planting site must necessarily be well lit (thanks to this, the tomatoes will bear fruit faster), and also there should not be a draft on the site.

An important point when planting tomato seedlings is that plants of the nightshade family (for example, potatoes, bell peppers) should not have grown in this soil for the next three to four years. Do not forget about fertilizing the soil. Another important point is the lack of groundwater on the site.

Seed preparation

Any summer resident will say that the preparation of tomato seeds is very important. Indeed, much depends on this. For example, will plants sprout, will they yield a good harvest later, and so on.

  1. Firstly, tomato seeds are placed in a 1% sodium chloride solution for a whole day.
  2. Secondly, the seeds are placed in a tissue (it should be slightly moist) and left for several days in a warm room. It is very important that the fabric is not dry, as the seeds may dry out.
  3. Experienced gardeners recommend placing seeds in a fertilizer solution for twenty-four hours. Due to this, they germinate faster and do not get sick in the future.

You can grow tomatoes without seedlings, sowing seeds immediately into the ground. Plants grown in a non-seedling way have a stronger and more developed root system.

Growing seedlings

Seeds are sown at a depth of about two centimeters, while the soil should be moist.

Growing seedlings of tomatoes

  1. To prevent thinning of the sprouts, seedlings are placed in a room with a temperature of 22-24 degrees and with good lighting.
  2. If natural light is not enough, you should use fitolamps.
  3. Watering seedlings is necessary once every three days.
  4. During seedling cultivation, it is fertilized twice.
    The first time fertilizers are applied in the form of a solution into the soil during the appearance of sprouts, and the second time - over the course of a decade.
  5. A month later, the seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse, and in open ground it is transplanted in late May.
  6. Potted seedlings, as a rule, have a well-formed root system. When transplanting, remember that the roots must be handled very carefully.

Seedlings are planted in pairs in pairs. The distance between adjacent plants should be about 40 cm.

If the seedlings have grown, that is, a way out of this situation.The stem is laid in the soil, digging a ditch. Additional roots are formed on the stem.

High-quality soil is the key to a good harvest. For the winter I dig the soil in greenhouses, fertilize with superphosphate. They bring humus, straw, peat.


Proper watering contributes to a good harvest, so you need to know the rules for watering tomatoes. Initially, plants need to be watered only once every three days, and after the appearance of the fruit, watering is more frequent. Tomatoes do not like excessive moisture.

Water temperature for irrigation should be in the range of 18 - 22 degrees. In no case should you use cold water, as this can be fatal to plants; it is important not to water the tomatoes too much, as they can begin to rot; at the same time, one cannot forget about watering.

Pest treatment

Any plant can be “attacked” by pests, for this reason it is necessary to process them regularly. For the treatment of tomatoes, various solutions are used, depending on the pest.

In addition to treatment, we must not forget about prevention. And it is quite simple and consists in the timely removal of spoiled fruits and leaves.

Video: choosing tomato seeds 2019

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