Tomato Yenisei - description and characteristics of the variety

Yenisei Tomato is a tall plant with large fruits. This is a semi-determinant variety, that is, the plant stops growing when 10 to 12 flower brushes are formed, their placement is observed every two or three missed leaves.

Tomato Yenisei

How to grow

Yenisei tomato must be grown with seedlings. First you need to put the seeds for a short time in a solution of aloe, and then sow them in the soil to a depth of one centimeter. When the sowing has passed, it is necessary to water the seeds every day with warm water from melted snow or rain (optional, but desirable) and after watering cover the place with a film until the first sprout appears. In order for growth to go stably, sometimes you need to make an extract from compost.

Tomato Yenisei loves light, so with the help of fluorescent lamps you can accelerate plant growth. When two sheets of seeded appear - they must be transplanted into different vessels from peat. All these actions will help protect the roots of the tomato from various injuries. Planting seedlings can begin in the first decade of the last month of spring, the order of their placement as in chess.

According to the studies and practice of gardeners, the best fruiting of the Elisha tomato was established when the bush ripens in one or two stems.

How to care

For good growth and yield, the following care conditions must be met:

  1. Mandatory loosening of the soil. This must be done carefully so as not to cause injury to the roots. Loosening the soil allows them to breathe oxygen, and this has a good effect on the growth of tomatoes.
  2. During cultivation, weeds are harvested, and the removal of harmful weeds is another important care action, as they interfere with plant growth.
  3. Warm daily with warm water.
  4. To feed tomatoes with complex mineral fertilizers - this will help growth and improve the quality of the plant.
  5. If you follow these simple rules, then on the laid table will be the best and most delicious tomatoes. So, from one bush it will be possible to collect from five to six kilograms, and from two so in general - from ten to twelve.

Plant characteristics

The fruits of the Yenisei tomato are quite smooth and rounded, ripen up to 500 grams, the color is bright red, distributed evenly throughout the fruit, the skin is strong, does not crack. And most importantly - the taste, it is very gentle and soft, gives a little sweetness and a little sour, which is good, because the tastes are harmoniously combined. You can eat directly from the garden, but first it’s better to wash. In general, the fruits are good to eat in both fresh and canned form.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of tomato Yenisei include:

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Yenisei

  • large fruits;
  • the plant bears fruit well;
  • amazing taste and good smell;
  • the fruits can be left for long storage and nothing will happen to them, there are no problems with transportation;
  • the variety is resistant to various diseases.

And minus the tomato Elisha is only one - you need to tie and feed tomatoes, but it’s not so difficult, the pay is decent for such a great taste!


  1. Victor, a gardener from the Moscow region, the city of Khimki: The variety is very tasty. It’s easy to look after him. And the fruits ripened smooth, large, rich red and shiny. The pulp of small grains, soft and juicy. They were stored for a long time, but because of their dense skin, they were not scratched or cracked. They can simply be stored in a not very warm storage.
  2. Ira, a summer resident from the Sverdlovsk region, the city of Dir .: I planted this variety after I tried the tomatoes from my friend and was completely delighted and shocked. I have never seen or eat such delicious tomatoes! Grew several bushes in a greenhouse, grew tall with many powerful branches. The variety is not susceptible to disease, has withstood both fungus, late blight and apical rot. It is best to use the Yenisei in salads or canned foods, roll into jars and cut into slices with spices, onions and garlic, I can say that one of the best dishes that I ate.
  3. Valentinovich, a gardener from the Vladimir region, the city of Vladimir .: I was interested in the Yenisei variety when I read its description on the Internet, what interested me most was that the fruits ripen in large quantities and have a rich red color, I like it. They planted them themselves first in the greenhouse, set the entire bush in one stem and was engaged in feeding humus. After waiting for the fruit to ripen, I was very surprised that the Internet was telling the truth, there were really a lot of tomatoes, I collected from four hundred to five hundred grams. And most importantly, not a single rot came across. And, of course, the taste, it is amazing, that is fresh, that is canned.

Video: a super remedy for increasing the yield of tomatoes

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