Tomat Erofeich - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes Erofeich suitable for those who want to get more harvest. This tomato is pink. The shape of the fruit is round. The flesh of the fruits is fleshy and sweet. This variety is rightfully considered one of the best early hybrids.

Tomato Erofeich

Description of the fetus

The leaves of such a plant are saturated, dark green in color. Tomato Erofeich is able to tolerate high temperatures. On average, up to 4 fruits can form on one inflorescence. The brush of such a tomato is short.

Fruits are slightly rounded and slightly flattened laterally. In the process of formation, they can change their color from light green to bright red. Such a fruit has no white spots near the stalk. As a rule, the fruit has up to five nests.

The average weight of such a fruit is 170 grams. Thanks to the right combination of sugar and various acids, ripe fruits have an incredible taste. The ripening period of tomatoes is extended. Vegetables can be used to make tomato juice or canned salad.


The fruit has the following valuable characteristics:

  1. The presence of protective properties of immunity, which allow you to survive sharp changes in temperature.
  2. The fruits of the tomato are resistant to parasites and various diseases.
  3. This kind of tomato is unpretentious in care.

This tomato variety is able to adapt to the conditions of a cool summer. So, even with a lack of sun, productivity will not go down. This kind of tomato is suitable for the southern latitudes.

For the cultivation of such tomatoes, both open ground and a greenhouse are suitable. When grown in greenhouse conditions, you can collect up to 24 kilograms of crop. If the crop is grown outdoors, it will be less - you can collect a maximum of 19 kilograms. Fruits are resistant to alternariosis.

Such a plant is of small height - 57 centimeters. However, this factor does not affect the yield.

Growing recommendations

  1. To get seedlings, it is best to plant seeds in mid-March. It is important that the recess is small - a maximum of 2 centimeters. Then the first shoots appear quickly. For the dive procedure, it is necessary that there are 2 leaves on the sprout.
  2. It is recommended to harden tomatoes 7 days before the start of planting. Then they will quickly adapt to climatic conditions.
  3. In order for seedlings to grow better, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers for feeding (maximum 2 times).
  4. Tomatoes should be planted in open ground when they are at least 60 days old. Then the frost will pass, and, therefore, will not be dangerous to the fetus.
  5. When the air temperature is high in the sandbox, the sprouts should be planted in April. If you plan to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, seedlings need to be planted in May.
  6. Watering the seedlings should be at sunset with warm water. The irrigation procedure must be stopped when it rains regularly, because tomatoes will get the right amount of moisture anyway.

Care Rules

Rules for the care of tomatoes Erofeich

  1. To maintain the normal development of the crop, it is necessary not only to regularly fertilize and water the tomatoes, but also constantly weed the plant from weeds during the growing season. 3 months after the emergence of mass shoots, the fruits will begin to gradually ripen.
  2. When applying fertilizer to the soil where such tomatoes grow, you should follow a simple rule: they are not recommended to be fertilized too much. During feeding, it is necessary to alternate organic fertilizers and mineral compounds. During flowering, you can spray them with boric acid.
  3. Such tomatoes are not recommended to be watered with cold water. Otherwise, the roots will be damaged. It is recommended to stop watering when the tomatoes turn red, and when fresh tomatoes are removed, watering must be resumed until the next harvest.
  4. It is also not recommended to pour water on tomatoes in extreme heat, so as not to burn their leaves.
  5. The diseased plant should be removed from the garden and burned. Stepsons are recommended to be removed weekly while they are still small. Before carrying out such a procedure, tomatoes are undesirable to water and feed.

Reviews of summer residents

Make sure the benefits of such fruits will help reviews of summer residents. Here is some of them.

  1. Olga: For a summer residence I buy tomato Erofeich. Its main advantage is a beautiful view and excellent taste. In addition, it is undemanding in terms of care.
  2. Svetlana: As an experienced gardener, I tried various varieties of tomatoes. As a result, I was convinced that the best option is tomato Erofeich, since it has the protective properties of immunity and requires minimal care.
  3. Hope: When buying seedlings for a summer residence, the seller advised tomato Erofeich. I did not regret that I followed his advice, because it is not only a delicious tomato, but also easy to care for, and can also be used both for canning and for making tomato juice.

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