Tomato Giant red - description and characteristics of the variety

The giant red is a mid-early tomato variety that is distinguished by its large fruit size and quite difficult to grow. The plant belongs to the indeterminate type, grows equally well both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. When planting, it is important to choose the right soil, since this type of tomato is sensitive to its composition.

Tomato Giant Red

Grade description

From the time of planting seedlings to the ripening of tomatoes, about 100 days pass. The trunk of the plant is 1.4 to 1.8 meters in length, the fruits are rounded with a slight flattening. Their weight reaches 600-650 grams, with the first harvest, the weight of a tomato can reach up to 850 grams. They have a 6-chamber structure, very fleshy and juicy, after maturation they get a bright scarlet shade. After harvesting, the tomatoes are not stored for long, so it is better to eat them immediately or use them for cooking canned foods.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include the following qualities:

  1. Great taste: tomatoes are very sweet and juicy, optimally suitable for raw consumption.
  2. Large fruit size.
  3. The variety has complex resistance to various diseases, so problems can be caused solely by errors in the cultivation.
  4. The giant red is not afraid of dry soil and does not die with a lack of moisture.

However, the variety also has disadvantages: first of all, it is a small number of fruits, as well as sensitivity to the chemical composition of the soil. If you consider all the requirements for breeding, planting will be quite prolific.

Growing Features

The optimal environment for breeding the Giant of Red is considered to be the southern region of the Russian Federation, where seedlings can be planted in open ground. If you grow a variety in the middle zone of Russia, you need to do this in greenhouses, and as for the northern corners of the country, then breeding is possible only in greenhouses, subject to constant heating. It is very important to ensure the correct soil composition by lowering its acidity level: tomato will not grow on oxidized soil.

As the trunk grows, it is required to tie it up without fail, branches also require support, for which special supports are installed around the bush. Without this, the branches can break under the weight of the ripening fruit. The formation is carried out in 2-3 stems, in open soil, you can increase their number. At any stage of development, you can use top-dressing of a universal type: this has a beneficial effect on the size of the fruits and their number, as well as the condition of the bushes themselves.

Grade Diseases

The variety is resistant to various kinds of fungi, and most diseases that affect it appear due to errors in breeding, improper care of plants. If tomatoes grow in a greenhouse, the room needs to be periodically ventilated, regularly water the plantings and provide good lighting, without which the development process will go wrong. The soil should be neutral, it is advisable to apply fertilizer immediately after planting.

Giant red disease

As for parasites, this tomato variety is sensitive to thrips and some species of aphids; to protect the plantings from them, you can use, for example, the tool "Bison". In the southern regions of the country, the Colorado potato beetle often causes harm; to protect against this pest, the Prestige drug can be purchased. If plantings are infected with gourds or arachnids, you can also use the "Bison". If the greenhouse whitefly appeared on the leaves, processing is carried out using Confidor.


You can use the fruits as follows:

  1. In raw form. Tomatoes are optimal for eating fresh, they can be added to other dishes or eat separately.
  2. Preparation of juices, pastes, mashed potatoes. Such products are distinguished by excellent qualities due to the fact that all vitamins are stored in the composition, and a high amount of sugar provides an excellent taste.
  3. Since the fruits are very large, preserving them in jars in salt form does not work, this must be taken into account before breeding.


Despite the fact that the size of the fruits of the Giant red is very large, this variety is not characterized by increased productivity. So, if all conditions are met, and the bushes are not infected with parasites or diseases, from each you can get up to 4 kilograms of fruit. It is recommended to plant bushes in an amount of up to 3 pieces per square meter, so the total yield will be up to 12 kilograms. This indicator is not a record, especially when you consider the height of the bush itself. However, the variety is very popular due to the taste of the fruits themselves.

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