Tomato Gnome - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes of this variety are highly respected among farmers - and this is no accident. Tomatoes are resistant to cold, heat, they have excellent yields, moreover, plants are not susceptible to diseases - most fungal infections or late blight. Many grow fruits due to the fact that they perfectly retain their appearance during transportation. It is immediately worth noting that tomatoes can be canned, made from them salads and other interesting, delicious dishes.

Tomato Gnome

Description and characteristics of the variety of tomato Gnome

Tomatoes are small, and the tree itself grows low. Due to their miniature size, tomatoes are ideal not for the harvest - some hostesses cultivate them with a decorative purpose - it’s nice to see on your windowsill a small, beautiful tree with ripe tomatoes.

Next, consider what characteristics a variety has:

  1. Small growth - maximum 60 cm.
  2. The bush itself is neat, practically does not branch.
  3. Even under the weight of the fruit, the bush will not creep to the ground.
  4. A small number of leaves also distinguishes this variety from others, in addition, small leaflets.

Interesting! Many inexperienced gardeners, due to the small size of the fruit, confuse this variety with "Cherry". In fact, there is a difference: you can collect more berries from one bush.

The variety is well suited for both outdoor cultivation and in greenhouses. It should be noted that in the first case, the yield will be reduced, so usually gardeners choose the second option.

What are the merits of the variety?

So, let's see why tomatoes are so popular:

Advantages of a variety of tomato Gnome

  1. Rip quickly, while giving an excellent result.
  2. Resistance to diseases and fungal infections.
  3. The bushes themselves do not grow very tall.
  4. As a result of the long shelf life of tomatoes, they can be transported without any problems, and their presentable appearance will not be lost.
  5. Great taste.

But here it is also necessary to note the disadvantages of this variety:

  1. It is extremely rare to allow the cultivation of tomatoes in the open ground, especially if there is a possibility of night frosts.
  2. It is unprofitable to grow in a greenhouse due to the fact that the plants are stunted, which means that the amount of yield is reduced.
  3. Feeding is required, otherwise the yield will be reduced.

What aspects should you pay attention to when choosing seedlings?

If you want to grow delicious, beautiful tomatoes that will be stored for a long time, and the yield does not decrease - you need to take seedling seedlings seriously. The best option, according to gardeners, is to grow it yourself. If you have no time and desire, buy seedlings on the market, but in this case you need to consider a list of some nuances:

  1. Do not purchase if the seedlings already have an ovary. Of course, small tomatoes attract attention and give hope for a 100% harvest, but this is not so. As soon as you transplant them into the ground, everything will die - this is an extra time that will have to be spent until a new ovary comes up.
  2. If the leaves are unnaturally large, and the trunk itself is thick, most likely the plant was fertilized. That is, there will be a lot of tops, but the crop is few.
  3. Naturally, the leaves should be green, without yellowness, in no case should bugs or rot be present on them.
  4. The best option is to purchase dive seedlings.She has well-developed rhizomes, which means: your plant will be viable and will not die and take root more quickly.

As you can see, the recommendations are standard, there is nothing complicated in them.

How to prepare and plant seeds?

So, we will consider how to grow a crop directly from seeds. It is necessary to begin preparatory work in early March, taking into account the fact that you have to wait 60 days when the seeds are completely ready for transplanting into the open ground, and the cold will subside. It is important to consider that after transplanting into the soil, subzero temperatures are unacceptable.

How to prepare and plant gnome tomato seeds

Consider how the whole process goes:

  1. Carefully treat the seeds with potassium permanganate.
  2. Next, rinse the grains and dip them in a growth stimulator for about 6 hours.
  3. To prepare the boxes - they must have holes, it is also important to provide a drainage layer. We also pay attention to the soil, it must be disinfected, light, but at the same time sufficiently moist.
  4. We spread the seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, then sprinkle them with soil.
  5. To close with a film - as if the seeds were in the greenhouse, so they would “hatch” faster.
  6. Sent to a warm place, this is also necessary to create greenhouse conditions.
  7. Sometimes open the film - this will avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold.

Watering the seeds is not necessary. Greenhouse conditions will retain moisture in the soil for a long time, if everything was done correctly. If this result cannot be achieved, use a spray gun. Do not forget about feeding - it should be given after about 2-3 weeks. You can transplant into open ground after 60 days, if you are sure that there will be no more frosts.

Features of the variety Gnome

It is interesting to know that varieties were bred immediately in several countries. The task of the breeders during the work was to achieve a pleasant, dessert taste of tomato, while the bushes should be small and ripen quickly.

So, what do we have in the end result:

  1. On 1 m2 it is permissible to place about 5-6 bushes.
  2. The work of the gardener is significantly reduced due to the fact that the bushes practically have no branches.
  3. The first crop can be obtained on average 100 days after the seeds have been transplanted into the open ground.
  4. Excellent taste: sweet, with a pronounced smell of tomatoes.
  5. Productivity is about 3 kg from one bush.

Experts, despite their compact size, recommend tying bushes. Reviews about this tomato variety are always positive: they quickly sing, give a good harvest, and at the same time they have good taste.

Video: Gnome tomatoes

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