Tomato Gravity - description and characteristics of the variety

In the list of varieties of tomatoes, the cultivation of which is possible in the climate of Russia and neighboring countries, there is a high-quality hybrid called the Gravity tomato. It was introduced not so long ago in the State Register of plants that can be grown in the middle lane. However, in a short time the variety has gained quite wide popularity among many gardeners.

Tomato Gravity

Grade characteristics

Tomato belongs to semi-determinant varieties of early ripeness. It is grown mainly in greenhouses from film or polycarbonate, or in open ground. The period from planting seedlings in the ground to picking ripe fruit is about two months. The bush of the plant must be tied up and formed. In maturity, it can reach a height of up to 1.7 meters.

The plant is characterized by a well-developed root system and powerful branches. On each bush, about 9 clusters of tomatoes are formed.

The weight of ripe fruits on average is 170-250 g, for this reason the branches with tomatoes need a garter. On each bunch 3-7 tomatoes ripen at once. The surface of the fruit is characterized by smoothness, slight flatness and shine. Ripe fruits have a bright red color. The taste is sweet with a slight acidity, the flesh - density and juiciness. There are few small seeds in the fruits.

The purpose of tomatoes is universal. Gardeners claim that they can be used to make sauces, gravy, and drinks. The methods of their preparation also include pickling, salting, drying for seasoning.

The variety has good transportable characteristics, so it can be successfully used for sale in retail outlets.

Grade Benefits

Consider the main qualities of the variety, which are based on the opinion of most gardeners. So, the advantages of this type include the following:

  • attractive appearance of ripe tomatoes;
  • a large number of crops;
  • early ripeness;
  • good transportable and commodity characteristics;
  • in one season you can get two crops if you grow a tomato in a film greenhouse;
  • green spots do not appear on the fruits with poor care.

How to get a good quality crop

In order to grow a high-quality crop of Gravity tomatoes, it is necessary to observe several rules when planting, which we will consider below.

How to get a good crop of tomatoes Gravity

  1. Landing is made on places with fertile soil, well lit by sunshine. It is desirable that the ambient temperature is from 20 ° C in the daytime and from 16 ° C in the night.
  2. Humus should be added to the soil on the beds, after which they should be dug up. If fertilizers were added in the autumn months, then with the advent of spring, you can simply add organic fertilizing here.
  3. Planting seedlings is carried out in a checkerboard pattern. When planting a plant, you need to ensure that between the bushes there is a distance of 40 to 60 cm. You need to dig a hole and plant seedlings there, fill the hole and pour warm water. Under all bushes, pour at least 1 liter of water. So planted tomatoes properly.

How to properly care for Gravity tomatoes

To get a large and high-quality crop of ripe and attractive fruits, you need to properly care for the plant. To do this, observe the following rules:

  • regularly water the bushes;
  • to produce a synchrotization;
  • carry out thorough weeding of the soil;
  • loosen the soil near the stems;
  • regularly inspect the bushes to timely detect early signs of disease.

When the fruits ripen, the plants should be watered in dry weather almost daily. After watering, the earth must be loosened. This must be done in order to prevent the appearance of fungus and maintain an optimal level of moisture.

Garter bushes are made three times a season, while you need to always grab weighty clusters with fruits. Since the plant is tall, it must be tied to the bar so that it is convenient to care for the tomato.

Important! Stepsoning should be carried out regularly, that is, remove unnecessary processes that form in the axils of the leaves. If you do not do this, the bush will grow, the fruits will not ripen.

If spots or a fungus are found on the bush, the fruits darken, or other signs of disease appear, beds with seedlings must be disinfected.

If you follow all these rules, then the result of proper and high-quality care for a tomato of this variety will be a large crop of fruits with excellent taste.

Video: Gravity tomatoes

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