Tomato Pear canning - description and characteristics of the variety

Any summer resident who has at least once grown a variety of this variety can recommend it - the fruits not only have a beautiful appearance, they are tasty, they are easy to care for. Outwardly, tomatoes that are already ripe have a crimson color, but if the fruit is still unripe, then it will be light green in color. It is easy to guess the shape based on the name of the variety - they are pear-shaped, but the size of the fruit is small: their maximum weight can reach no more than 70 grams. Another distinctive property of tomatoes is that they have small ribs. Tomatoes are sweet, do not crack. The number of chambers with seeds - no more than 4 pieces.


Where are the fruits recommended to grow?

The variety is perfect for growing in any region, but if the climate is warm - in this case it is permissible to plant seeds in open ground, but in regions where it is colder - then a greenhouse is better. Since 2008, the variety has been included in the State Register, where selection achievements are indicated. The yield of tomatoes of this variety: one square meter gives about 10 kg of fruit.

general description

So, we will consider what characteristics the Parsley can has:

  1. Plants can grow up to 80 cm. The table is quite thick, while it is straight, has a very compact root system. Any gardener will tell you that you need to make a garter in a timely manner - no matter where you plan to grow tomatoes.
  2. The advantage of the variety over the others is that the plant has rather large leaves, they have a juicy dark green color. They protect fruits well from sunlight and rain, even from hail.
  3. In fruits that have not yet ripened, the color is light green. Over time, the tomatoes become pear-shaped, and their color - scarlet. On a branch can grow up to 10 pieces of tomatoes. On one bush, about 5 clusters of tomatoes grow.
  4. Everyone likes the taste - it is not tart, soft, pleasant. If the tomato is cut, the pulp will not spread, since it has sufficient density. Thanks to the dense skin, all fruits are reliably protected from adverse external factors.
  5. The maximum fruit that can be harvested from 1 m2 is 12 kilograms, this indicator is considered to be average. Of great importance is the climate and weather in which the fruits are grown, it is important to consider the conditions of cultivation. Judging by the claims of farmers, it is better to grow crops in a greenhouse - this way you can achieve a larger crop.

What are the advantages of the crop?

So, we will consider why tomatoes of this particular variety are very popular:

  1. Elastic fruits do not deteriorate over time, perfectly retain their shape and appearance as a whole.
  2. This variety is simple both in care and in cultivation, fruits practically do not give in to fungal influence.
  3. Due to its good density, tomatoes can be transported without problems.
  4. Many acquire these fruits due to their original appearance.
  5. Tasty and juicy, they are very popular among consumers, in connection with this they are often grown for sale.

The principle of planting fruits

The principle of planting tomatoes
Seeds need to be sent to the container, the ideal time is the beginning of March. Before planting in glasses, spread on a damp cloth, previously laid on a plate. A few days later, after the seeds hatch, they are already beginning to be planted in containers.

It is important to ensure that seedlings do not stretch due to insufficient lighting.To avoid this, bushes are usually illuminated with the help of special fluorescent lamps. It should be borne in mind that at night the future bushes should be in complete darkness, otherwise, chlorosis may form on the leaves. To make it more convenient, you can simply extend the daylight hours using the backlight. After the leaves appear, it will be necessary to place the seedlings in separate glasses of plastic - this is more convenient.

We must not forget about feeding seedlings. It will be enough several times. About 10 days before you send the seedlings to the site, you need to harden it. As a rule, experienced gardeners begin planting in early May.

Important: If the seedlings still stretched, then the use of artificial immunostimulants will be required. Zircon, Epin and the like are popular.

Care and what are the agronomic nuances

Bushes can not be stepson because they are standard. Again, the last word is left to the agrarian - if you wish, later stepchildren can be cut off.

Bushes do not reach large sizes due to the fact that they have compact, small roots. Precisely for the same reason, the trunk of plants is small, straight, and powerful. Nevertheless, it is necessary to tie the bushes. It is noteworthy that due to the fact that the bushes are low, seedlings are permissible to plant densely. We must not forget about top dressing, weed removal - if you want to get a high quality crop. You can start harvesting in mid-August. Many start harvesting when the tomatoes have not yet ripened - in which case they can be stored in excellent condition without problems until September.

Reviews are positive. Due to the fact that the plants are unpretentious, a gardener who has very little experience can grow them without problems.

Video: canned tomatoes

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