Tomato Ildi - description and characteristics of the variety

The great demand for tomatoes forces breeders to conduct new experiments to obtain unusual species. Genetic crosses help to get the most unusual in terms of external indicators of culture. We will talk about such a bright variety of “Ildi” in this article.

Tomato Ildi


Most tomatoes, including Ildi, need proper and timely care: spraying, fertilizing, cultivating and watering.

The stem of this culture is high - from 1.8 to 1.9 meters. The first brush is laid on the ninth sheet. With the growth of fruits, it falls down and resembles a fan. In one inflorescence, from 50 to 70 small tomatoes per season can ripen. Tomatoes ripen in turn. At the same time, you can find inflorescences, and ovaries, and ripe fruits. Brushes can grow up to 30 centimeters in length. Each flower has a beige shade of a small size. The group of inflorescences and fruits is so large that it covers the main leaves of the plant.

The peel of the fruit is tender, very thin. Tomatoes are sweet and taste like berries. From one bush you can collect up to 3.5 kilograms of ripe and tasty fruits. Tomatoes have a bright yellow color and an elongated shape resembling a plum. Well tolerate storage and transportation.

Relate to an early appearance. Not susceptible to disease, however, timely treatment of the crop from possible diseases will help prevent damage to the bushes.

Preparation for landing

The seeds of this tomato are very small, germination occurs 2 weeks after sowing.

Sowing tomatoes is necessary in the warmth, starting in mid-March. Seeds are placed in the ground, deepening them at a distance of one to one and a half centimeters. Before sowing, the ground must be shed with warm water. Further, at a distance of 2-3 centimeters, you need to place each seed in a trench or one piece in a separate container. After you need to sprinkle with dry earth and cover with polyethylene for faster sizing seeds. When sprouts appear, it is necessary to rearrange the containers with seedlings on the windowsill. You can use a pendant or desk fluorescent lamp to provide seedlings with constant lighting. Thanks to the extra light, the tomatoes will grow strong and durable for further movement into the ground.

Landing and care

They tolerate open ground in warm regions. Greenhouses are needed for growing in colder and moody weather places. On one square meter, no more than three bushes are placed. Due to the large height of the plant and its bushiness, more space is needed for sun exposure and processing of the plant.

Tomato Care Ildi

A tomato is formed in two to three stems. After the appearance of the fourth - fifth brush, pinch the plant. Extra stepchildren are removed. Thus, the formation of a bush. This manipulation is carried out with the aim of ripening the fruit on the already formed ovaries in the places of the first five inflorescences.

During growth, the stalk and brush of a tomato require garter to additional pegs. Thus, it will be possible to avoid falling and breaking the plant. It should also be remembered that the fruits should not come into contact with the ground, otherwise all vegetables will rot.


Tomatoes are great for canning. They are conveniently placed in a jar, no need to cut and shove each fruit. It is simply important to wash them and fill them in a container. They go well with salads of any kind. Decorate the festive and table with its sunny color. Suitable for freezing. Become an integral part in cooking roasts, stewing vegetables.

Each culture requires proper care, timely fertilizer application, loosening of the soil, treatment from diseases and parasites, as well as proper and timely watering. If everything is observed correctly, then a good harvest will not take long.

Variety "Ildi" has very tasty small tomatoes, will delight both children and adults. The small size will decorate any table and will complement the wide variety of dishes.


Sergey Mikhailovich, 56 years old: Last year, my wife insisted that instead of the usual large meaty tomatoes, we plant small tomatoes so that the granddaughter ate. And then she does not like big tomatoes, but she loves small tomatoes, and calls them sweets. I found in the department for gardeners a whole bunch of seeds of small-sized tomatoes. I chose for a long time and settled on the Ilda cultivar. I really liked the characteristics of this type. Part of the greenhouse was planted with his wife in large tomatoes, and part in small yellow ones. Tomatoes were very good. Harvest big, granddaughter ate them all the time. She said that they were very tasty. This year, I asked for more planting. So the variety is excellent.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps!

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