Tomato Impala - description and characteristics of the variety

Mid-season varieties of tomatoes are considered by many gardeners as the most convenient. These species include tomatoes Impala. Like the bulk of the rest of the hybrid varieties, Impal is resistant to diseases and unpretentious in care.

Tomato Impala

Grade characteristics

A novice gardener should get acquainted with the main distinguishing features of the variety that he is going to grow on his site. So it will be easier for him to provide quality care for him. Experienced summer residents describe the Impala tomatoes as follows:

  • the plant is determinant;
  • the bush grows to a height of 60-90 centimeters;
  • has a simple inflorescence;
  • from three to five fruits are formed on each brush;
  • ripening period is from 96 to 110 days.

Harvest Description:

  • tomatoes have a flat round shape;
  • red color;
  • the weight of each fruit is from 80 to 250 grams;
  • dense tomatoes;
  • each fetus contains 4-6 chambers;
  • the fruits have a pronounced tomato flavor;
  • the crop is stored for two months;
  • It has good transportability.

How to plant and care

  1. The variety is grown from seedlings. Sowing of seeds is carried out 60 days before the plant is transferred to a permanent place.
  2. When two leaflets are formed on seedlings, it is transplanted into separate containers.
  3. Ten days before planting in the garden should begin hardening of the plant. Thanks to this, tomatoes will gain strength and better tolerate stress.
  4. To harden tomatoes, seedlings should be taken out into the open air, in the first days for 20 minutes with a gradual increase in the time spent on the street to seven to eight hours.
  5. To strengthen the stem of the plant and its general condition, it is necessary to fertilize with means that will stimulate its growth.
  6. Formation is carried out in one or two stems. To tie a bush or not, gardeners decide at their discretion. With a large number of large fruits, it is advisable to help the plant to avoid a decrease in yield.
  7. Watering beds with tomatoes should be warm water in the evening after the sun sets. The plant is fed at least two times per season, during flowering and the active formation of fruits. Regular watering, hilling and weeding of beds is recommended.


Impala tomato is a hybrid, for this reason it is resistant to many diseases characteristic of this vegetable crop, namely fusariosis, verticillosis, cladosporiosis, gray spotting.

Productivity and scope

If you follow all the recommendations for growing and caring for a vegetable crop, you can collect a fairly large crop. About 3.5-4 kilograms come from each bush, and up to 15 kilograms of fruit can be collected from one square meter.

Tomatoes are used for many culinary purposes. Most often, vegetable salads are prepared from them. In addition, housewives often process them to make sauces, ketchups, pasta, tomato juice. This variety is also used for canning.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

To make a decision about which tomatoes to grow on their site, the gardener should familiarize themselves with the distinctive features of their favorite varieties of vegetable culture. For convenience, they are divided into positive and negative qualities.

If it speaks of the Impala variety, then the advantages include the fact that the plant:

  • unpretentious in leaving;
  • resistant to drought;
  • gives a large crop;
  • easily transported;
  • stored for a long time;
  • resistant to disease;
  • Tomatoes do not crack.

The disadvantages of experienced gardeners include the fact that the seeds of the variety are not able to maintain parental qualities, for this reason when collecting them it will not work to collect a lot of crop.

Reviews gardeners about tomatoes of the variety Impala

Studying the reviews of summer residents, you can collect a lot of necessary information. Gardeners talk about their opinions, advise something.

  1. Anastasia, 51 years old: I decided to try to grow tomatoes in the garden and I succeeded. They collected large and rather tasty tomatoes from the beds. All households happily ate directly from the garden. Will definitely land another.
  2. Maria Viktorovna, 39 years old: On the advice of a neighbor, she formed bushes, because of which tomatoes grew very large. About 200 grams. Fertilized three times with organic top dressing. Everything arranged. I’ll plant more next year.

Large fruits of the Impala variety were appreciated by a large number of gardeners for their excellent palatability, as well as for their resistance to diseases and adverse conditions.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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