Tomato Indio F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Breeders all over the world are engaged in the cultivation of tomato crops. Large yields, ease of care, and resistance to diseases force researchers to reproduce all new species.

Tomato Indio F1

The hybrid Indio tomato variety is a native of Japan. Thanks to many years of development, the company that received this variety is one of the leading companies in the world in the field of seed production of a wide variety of crops.


Indigo tolerates open ground. It can also grow in greenhouses without heating. It calmly tolerates many diseases that affect most tomatoes. Agronomists really like for their taste and unpretentiousness in care. Enough early appearance. Ripens after 100 - 115 days from sowing. The fruits are large, have a bright red color. Slightly elongated shape, reminiscent of a large plum. Stepsons are not deleted. During growth, garter of the trunk and hands with fruits are necessary.

The first inflorescences are formed on the fifth leaf. Up to 5-6 inflorescences with 6 large fruits each appear on the whole plant. On average, a hybrid produces about 12 kilograms per square meter per season. This is a very good indicator for culture.

The weight of one vegetable is from 120 to 200 grams. The fruit reaches a length of about 8 centimeters. It is perfectly stored both in ripened form and in green. Matures in a warm and dark place without changing the texture of the peel.


Before sowing, all seeds should be disinfected in a solution of manganese for 10 to 15 minutes. In addition, it is possible to soak the seeds in warm water or aloe juice from 10 to 12 hours. Sowing tomatoes should be in loose soil with fertilizers specifically for vegetable crops. During seed sowing, it is important that the room temperature is between 23 and 25 degrees. After germination, the temperature should be lowered, and on average it should be from 20 to 22 degrees. Thus, seedlings should be gradually prepared for planting in the ground.

During the transfer of plants to the soil, it should be borne in mind that the night temperature should not be lower than 14 degrees. Therefore, you need to remember about the features of the region and, depending on temperature conditions, plant tomatoes either in open ground or in a greenhouse.

Disembarkation and care

  1. Before transferring seedlings to the soil, it is necessary to conduct hardening for 2 weeks. Take the plant out into the open air. You can also open a window in the room, but not create a draft.
  2. It should be watered after the top layer of the earth has completely dried.
  3. Before transplanting plants, it is important to choose a good shoot. It should not be excessively long, have sluggish leaves, a poor root system. Such a seedling will not take root and will not yield a crop. Only time will be wasted on it.
  4. 3 to 5 tomatoes are planted per square meter. It all depends on the capabilities of the land and the greenhouse.
  5. It is necessary to constantly mulch the soil. Thus, the plants will be free from weeds, and will also be saturated with organic matter.
  6. Tomatoes are watered early in the morning or in the evening when the water temperature is not lower than 20 degrees.


Features of tomatoes Indio F1
This variety loves open growing conditions. The greenhouse does not increase fruiting. Therefore, tomatoes will feel great in warmer regions with stable warm weather.
It tolerates shady places. It can withstand temperature changes and drought.


It is important to feed the tomatoes in a timely manner. Fertilizers containing nitrogen are an important component in the proper growth of a crop. They are introduced before flowering.Granules containing potassium are added after flowering during the formation of the ovaries. Calcium nitrate is added every 7 to 10 days. Biostimulants are also added to improve the formation of ovaries. Usually they are bred in a bucket or other large containers in the proportions indicated on the package.

Diseases and Pests

Processing plants from possible fungal and other diseases, as well as insect raids is usually carried out before flowering tomatoes. If processing is important in a later period, it should be remembered that it is possible 10 days before harvest.


The variety is well suited for marinating in large jars in combination with other vegetables. It can be cucumbers, zucchini, squash and pepper. In the summer, it will go well with other vegetables in the summer salad with the addition of vegetable oil, sour cream and mayonnaise. Complement cheese dishes. It will make the roast softer and tastier. Adds meat from the oven good softness. It will help to perfectly marinate meat for barbecue.

The range of applications of tomatoes is so diverse that there is almost no dish in which the tomato did not take part. "Indio" is suitable in cooking all kinds of dishes using tomatoes.

Video: Indio F1 Tomatoes

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