Tomato Irish liquor - description and characteristics of the variety

This unusual variety of tomatoes even has a special name - Irish liquor. And when these fruits are on the counter, the most typical questions of buyers are: why did you decide to sell green, or unripe tomatoes? I have to explain that this is such a unique variety in which there is a distinctive feature - a ready-to-eat tomato has a green skin color.

Tomato Irish Liquor

Well, breeders tried not in vain, dreaming of such a variety that would give good yield both in the open ground, and in temporary shelter under the film, and in greenhouse conditions, and it does not matter whether this room is heated or not. In addition, the taste of tomatoes after ripening turns out to be unusually tasty and sugar, and the color of ripe - necessarily green. Through experiments, breeders managed to achieve just such results. And so it turned out Irish liquor - an excellent variety in all respects.

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  1. The bush of this tomato is powerful and tall, the height can exceed 1.5 meters.
  2. It refers to mid-early plants - from the first sprouts that appear to the appearance of the first fruits, the interval is 120 days.
  3. There is little inconvenience when harvesting: there is a stretched ripening of tomatoes.
  4. The plant itself is indeterminate. The bush is a little leafy with small plates and a light green hue. The first brush is formed over the 8th or 9th leaf, the average appearance of tomatoes on the brush is observed up to 5 fruits. Overloading is often noted.
  5. According to experienced gardeners, the yield with proper care reaches above 4.5 kg / m2.
  6. Ripe fruits have a light green color, sometimes with a slightly noticeable yellow tint or blurry stripes. When a tomato ripens, its color is dark green and gradually begins to lighten as it ripens.
  7. The formed tomatoes acquire a rounded shape, but are slightly squeezed above and below.
  8. Weight have an average of 250 grams.
  9. The peduncle is very easy to detach.
  10. The pulp of this variety is dense, but it is very juicy and fleshy. Contains an increased percentage of mono-, polysaccharides. Inside there are 6 seed chambers, the color of the seeds is black, they are small in size. The skin is dense.
  11. The taste of ripe tomatoes has a sweetish tint, without the presence of acid. Who has tasted the fruits of Irish liquor, tells that tomatoes are tender and literally melt in your mouth.

They are used fresh in various dishes. Since Irish liquor is a juicy variety, it makes an excellent tomato juice. In canned form, they are also delicious, especially made in their own juice or in vegetable caviar with the addition of onions, carrots, zucchini.

Nutritionists advise people with high acidity and those whose body is prone to allergic reactions to eat this particular variety because it is gentle and does not cause side effects like red tomatoes.

Growing conditions

Growing Tomato Irish Liquor
If the region has long and hot summers, it is best to grow this variety, protecting it under temporary shelter, for this it is most convenient to use film. When a plant is grown in greenhouse conditions, it needs to create some comfort, which consists primarily in the need for a special regime of air humidity, otherwise:

with high humidity, the ovaries begin to fall sharply;

if the water vapor concentration is very low, flower pollen is sterilized.

Due to the fact that while this variety is quite rare, experienced gardeners advise the first grown tomato to leave on the seeds.For this, the fruit will have to be cut, using a spoon, gently remove the pulp and put in a very fine sieve. Now it remains to rinse under running water with a gentle stream, and leave the cleaned seeds on a cotton cloth. When the seeds have dried, they should be stored in a paper bag, for convenience you need to indicate the name of the variety and the time of collection on the packaging.

The yields of Irish liquor are high, but the plants should be looked after. Seedlings need to start growing no later than the second decade of March, but the soil should have a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius. During this period, the seedlings should have a good light mode, so you will need backlight for at least 18 hours. Be sure to feed the plants with complex fertilizer.

Landing is carried out according to the scheme of three plants per 1 m2. If an unheated greenhouse is used, the seedlings are planted in the period from the end of May to June 10, that is, they are guided by the last spring frosts. This variety is not afraid of airing, but rather needs it. Watering is better to use drip.

Pasynkovka is carried out every week, the formation of 2-3 stems is mandatory, their tying.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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