Tomato Ivan Kupala - description and characteristics of the variety

Every year, breeders seek to discover more and more new varieties that can produce excellent fruits in the difficult climatic conditions of our country. Directly this berry variety was bred by the largest agricultural company Siberian Garden. The outstanding appearance and good taste made it popular not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Tomato Ivan Kupala

Information about grade Ivan Kupala

This variety gives a pretty good crop in the greenhouse, and under the film, and in open soil. The choice of landing depends on the climate in different areas. Main qualities and description:

  • Average ripeness.
  • Stem growth has no limits.
  • The fruits hang on the hands.
  • The average growth of the plant is one and a half meters.
  • On one brush there can be up to 7 fruits.
  • The average number of leaves.
  • The leaves are simple in shape, green in color.
  • The average yield is up to three kilograms of berries from the bush.
  • Shelf life in room conditions up to 10 days.
  • It can be transported over long distances.
  • Not cracking.
  • Congenital resistance to many diseases.

Many positive reviews confirm the technical description that the breeder wrote:

  • The shape of the pear.
  • Relatively large size, weight - 160 g.
  • Scarlet color.
  • Sweetish taste.
  • Thin skin.
  • Dense texture.
  • Juiciness.
  • No wateriness.
  • Pleasant aroma.

The fruits are suitable for fresh salad, and for pickling for the winter, processing into tomato products (tomato paste, juice, ketchup, sauces).

Tomato planting

Seed preparation is recommended to start a couple of months before planting. For tomato seedlings, you can use standard soil, which is well moistened well in advance. Sprouts hatch much faster if the soil was previously kept warm for several days. To exclude the possibility of unhealthy shoots, you need to find a large capacious container.

Gentle irrigation should be carried out several times from the garden spray gun. Variety Ivan Kupala loves heat, so you need to maintain room temperature. To do this, you can use the lamp.

You will need a plastic film, which you need to cover the seedlings. Tightness will create a greenhouse effect. 7 days before planting, it is necessary to harden the sprouts at a low temperature (8 degrees). It is necessary to exclude ventilation. A few days before planting in the soil, it is better not to water the plants so that they are not too sensitive to transplantation and carrying. The earth should be warm (at least 12 degrees).

Ripening of fruits lasts 110-115 days. This variety is considered mid-season. If you pick off the leaves and let the sunshine directly illuminate the tomatoes, the plant will ripen faster.

Growing recommendations

Recommendations for growing tomatoes Ivan Kupala
Variety Ivan Kupala Tomatoes not demanding on the environment. But it is advisable to plant seedlings in the soil where cucumbers and garlic used to ripen.

Tomatoes of most varieties prefer a seedling method of planting. Full training begins two months before the transplant. The best seedlings are obtained only subject to the rules of agronomy:

  1. For seedlings, it would be nice to have separate containers and cover them with standard soil for all nightshade.
  2. First you need to moisten the soil.
  3. Seeds need to be buried 2 cm deep into the ground.
  4. Spray watering.
  5. Maintaining room temperature (20 degrees).
  6. Crops should be covered with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect.
  7. The first seedlings must be placed under good lighting, which means that daylight hours should last at least sixteen hours.
  8. Tempering with low temperature 7 days before planting seedlings in the soil.

Advice! During planting, you do not need to plant more than 4 bushes per square meter.

Opinions of gardeners

  1. Lenchik, 38 years old: I liked the variety. And I want to share my experience. My advice is absolutely simple. Do not place sprouts close and tight. An excellent crop is guaranteed to appear in the garden if you follow basic instructions: loosen the soil, remove weeds, fertilize the soil with fertilizers, do prophylaxis against parasites, bind to pegs, periodically water the seedlings.
  2. Igor S., 48 years old: Before buying seeds, I read a lot about this variety. The reviews were very controversial. Some believe that the claimed description is not true. However, many also say, for example, my neighbors in the country, that with due observance of recommendations and rules, the crop is pleasantly pleasing. At the same time, they plant seeds that they collected on their own. I took a chance and planted Ivan Kupala. In general, I was satisfied with the harvest, but I need to grow wisely.

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