Tomato June - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes are considered one of the most popular types of garden plants, which can be attributed to universal due to the variety of methods of application. You can eat tomatoes raw, you can make juice, pasta, canned in the form of salads or whole fruits. Thanks to the selection, there are many varieties, so gardeners and professional farmers will be able to choose the most delicious and fruitful option for themselves. Tomato of June was especially fond of gardeners, since it belongs to fruitful and unpretentious, so it is possible to get a big crop without much effort.

Tomato June

The main qualities of the variety

Tomato June combines certain features, requires careful attention when growing for proper growth and delivery of tasty, juicy and healthy fruits.

When growing such a vegetable and taking into account the basic rules of the process, you can get a big crop, which can be considered a payment for the labor invested. The ripening period of the tomato is average. As a rule, no more than 110 days pass from the time of planting to fruiting, so you can get your own home fruit in the midst of the summer season. According to statistics, if you plant tomatoes in March, then in June you can harvest. So the corresponding name of the variety appeared.

The plant is low, since its size reaches a maximum of 40-50 centimeters, so it is much easier and more convenient to take care of it than bushes of other species. Gardeners and professional farmers appreciated such a stunted tomato.


Tomato June is distinguished by the fact that it assimilates with the same quality in greenhouse conditions and on open ground, while providing a large crop filled with taste and useful qualities. Tomatoes are suitable for transportation for the purpose of sale and for home use - for the preservation and preparation of various dishes.


High yield is considered an important positive quality of such a tomato. If you properly care for the plant, then with one square meter you can collect about 8 kilograms of fruit, which is considered an ideal indicator for such a vegetable. Such fruiting can be achieved by planting 6-8 bushes per square meter. It is not recommended to plant plants too tightly, since under such conditions they will be woven into branches, due to which fruiting will be impaired.

The weight of the fetus is from 80 to 130 grams.

Disease susceptibility

An important property of June tomato is considered protection against diseases. During the selection process, specialists tried to protect the vegetable crop from negative external influences. But in any case, proper care is required to preserve these properties of the tomato crop.

The versatility of tomatoes allows you to successfully apply them in different areas of cooking, while receiving the quality, aroma and taste of the finished dish.

Positive traits

Positive qualities of tomato June
June tomatoes combine various positive qualities due to the fact that during the selection process the specialists tried to improve the variety, making it not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful.

  1. Almost perfect round shape, due to which the tomato has an attractive appearance.
  2. Appetizing and saturated red color, which retains its appearance even during prolonged storage in appropriate conditions.
  3. Sweet and sour taste is ideal for preservation, salads, juices and saturated tomato pastes.The juiciness of tomato provides the opportunity to create a concentrated juice with excellent taste.
  4. The density of tomatoes allows them to be stored in a cold place for a long time, and they also easily overcome transportation without losing their basic qualities.
  5. Tomatoes have a pleasant aroma, so they can fill the dish not only with taste, but also with a sophisticated smell, which can be considered an important advantage for connoisseurs of the special properties of fruits.
  6. Gardeners also note the simultaneous ripening of fruits, so you can immediately collect a large crop, without making it for later for greater ripening. This significantly saves time when harvesting.

June tomatoes are a combination of many positive qualities in the form of taste, quality and versatility. But in any case, the correct approach to growing is required, since there are a lot of nuances on which the level of fruiting and the quality of tomatoes depend.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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