Tomato Izobilny - description and characteristics of the variety

Izobilny variety tomatoes - an excellent option for growing in the country. This hybrid has small dark green leaves, flattened on top of spherical fruits with a matte red or pink skin, and a height of 50 - 80 centimeters. Features of this variety will be discussed later.

Tomato Abundant

Features breeding seedlings

  1. Before planting, seeds should be soaked for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or aloe juice.
  2. It is better to plant in light fertile soil, to a depth of 15 millimeters, plus or minus 3 millimeters.
  3. The most optimal temperature for growing is considered to be +23 +25 degrees Celsius.
  4. When sprouts appear, the temperature must be reduced to +17 +18 degrees Celsius.
  5. Dive the sprouts after the appearance of 1-2 leaves.
  6. 35 days before planting on the bed, it is necessary to begin hardening of the bushes. To do this, you can increase and then reduce the interval between irrigation, which will strengthen the root system and prepare it for interruptions in the flow of water. It is also possible, after establishing a temperature of +18 degrees Celsius on the street, to place seedlings on the street. This hardening method should be carried out gradually, starting from 10 minutes and ending with three hours. At the end of the hardening, you need to leave the tomatoes in pots on the street for several days.
  7. It is better to transplant to the open ground when the bushes are about 50 days old.

Transplant to the garden

The garden should be arranged in the sunniest part of the estate. Pre-loosen the soil and make holes for the bushes, moreover, 5-7 plants should fall on 1 m2. Pour one tablespoon of calcium nitrate into each prepared place, after which you can safely plant seedlings. When the last bush takes its place, it is necessary to cover the plants with a film for two days so that the seedlings finally adapt to weather conditions.

Pest Care

The most important thing in caring for Izobilny is to prevent too high humidity under the bushes. It is also necessary to loosen the earth more often. There are no contraindications when processing bushes from pests. Slugs can be removed not with special preparations, but with fly ash.

Due to the large mass of fruits, the plant needs to be tied up. Stepsons must be removed to make tomatoes bear more fruit.

Diseases and their prevention

To most diseases, Abundant has a very powerful immunity. But, nevertheless, prevention is still necessary. The prevention of diseases in this tomato variety includes the soaking described above. It is also useful to put onion peel in the hole, and, some time after planting, you need to spray the bushes with a two-day infusion of one kilogram of fresh chopped celandine and 10 liters of clean water. Repeat treatment after twelve days. Good and soda solution: 150 grams per 6 liters of water. The last use of insecticides should be carried out no later than two to three weeks before harvesting.


Harvest Tomatoes Abundant
Abundant is a very early ripe variety. Three months after the seed germination, the first fruits are harvested, and after another three weeks, that is, by mid-July, you can free the beds from the bushes. These are not only early ripe, but also very productive tomatoes. From one square meter, you can collect up to 20 kilograms of fruit, and from one bush - up to three kilograms. Small fruits are more suitable for conservation, and large ones are for fresh consumption.


  1. Lilia F., Bryansk: Grown in a greenhouse several times. Bushes reached a meter, brought many fruits. The taste is very pleasant.I refer these tomatoes to those that can be eaten directly from the bush.
  2. Tatyana, Bratsk: I really liked the tomatoes. They have a sweet, slightly sour taste, and a strong but not stiff peel. And most importantly, they are easy to care for, but you need to do this regularly. The first thing I liked about these tomatoes was their early maturity, moreover, they ripen almost simultaneously and do not get sick. They do not acidify, have a pleasant smell and are beautiful in red. You can use them in different ways: canned, eat directly from the bush, add to salads, squeeze juice out of them. In general, ideal tomatoes for any summer resident.
  3. Lika, 29 years old: Tomatoes are just perfect. First, they are easy to care for. You just need to water, weed and loosen. Secondly, Izobilny has excellent yield and no less good taste. Moreover, I was struck by their simultaneous maturation and early ripening. Thirdly, these are universal tomatoes. With them you can do whatever you want.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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