Tomato Kakadu F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

As a rule, hybrids are characterized by increased productivity, short growing periods, and better tolerance to storage and transportation. Such is the variety Kakadu F1, perfectly adapted for cultivation in the middle lane and at high latitudes of our country.

Tomato Cockatoo F1

Brief Overview of Variety Features

A characteristic feature of the Kakadu F1 variety is that when it was created, low-temperature plasma was used for seed treatment. This made the variety unpretentious in cultivation: seed germination increased significantly and resistance to the tobacco mosaic virus improved.

The Kakadu F1 bushes are rather undersized, their height varies between 70 and 90 cm. The number of leaves on the stems is average. Inflorescences begin to form after the appearance of the 6th leaf. Brushes are laid at intervals of 1-2 sheets. Each brush contains up to six tomatoes. From one square meter of plantation receive up to 19 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits of the Kakadu F1 are very beautiful, rich red, medium in size, and each weighs about 200 grams. Pulp with a high juice content, with a pleasant taste, with a slight acidity. The skin is smooth and of good density.


Kakadu F1 tomatoes are quite versatile to use. They are very good in summer salads, they can be used for vegetable slices and for the preparation of tomato juice. They make delicious pickles and marinades. Their dense peel prevents tomatoes from cracking in canned food.

Positive traits

It takes about three months from the moment of emergence of tomato seedlings to the ripening of its fruits. This quality makes it possible to grow hybrid bushes in open beds. Cockatoo F1 has excellent resistance to fungal diseases, in particular late blight. Features of the variety allow harvesting in the middle lane before the summer cooling. In the event of an early drop in temperature, gardeners take off the fruits slightly immature - they reach perfectly if they are left in wooden crates in a warm and dark room.

Gardeners are very fond of such qualities of the variety as the ability to withstand long-term storage and excellent transportability. Due to the strong consistency of the fruits and their dense and strong skin, the crop is saved almost without loss. Also among the attractive features of the variety can be called a very high yield along with a fairly simple method of cultivation.

Growing Features

Features of growing tomato cockatoo F1

  1. Kakadu F1 seeds are first germinated for seedlings. The period from sowing seeds to planting seedlings in the ground is about 50 days. Thanks to the above thermal procedure performed by the manufacturer, gardeners do not need to worry about additional seed treatment before planting. They are sown in glasses with a nutritious soil mixture mixed with peat or humus.
  2. After emergence, the containers with seedlings are moved to a bright place. From this moment, a special temperature regime is maintained for the plant: during the day - up to 20 degrees, at night - up to 18. It is very important to ensure daylight hours - at least 16 hours, for which agrolamps are used.
  3. When the first two true leaves are formed, seedlings are dived for better tomato viability - the plants are transplanted into larger containers, placing cotyledons in the soil.
  4. After a month and a half, the seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. About 7 days before this, the seedlings begin to harden, I ventilate the room where it is contained.This will help plants adapt better after planting.
  5. Tomatoes are planted with an interval of 50 by 40 centimeters so that one square meter accounts for up to five bushes on open ground and up to eight in greenhouses. Bushes stepson, leaving a single stalk.
  6. It is better to water tomatoes in the morning, starting from 2.5 liters per bush in the initial period of growth and increasing the amount of water to 4 liters after the appearance of flowers. It is also good to periodically loosen the soil and fertilize - with an interval of ten days, but no later than 2 weeks before harvesting. For feeding, it is recommended to use a full mineral complex of fertilizers.

Opinions of gardeners about the variety

The hybrid is well-deserved. Survey respondents noted a powerful stem of the bush, the ability to grow in open beds without the cost of greenhouses, good yield of bushes. They especially like that the fruits of the hybrid are very strong, with good keeping quality, which facilitates the storage and use of tomatoes.

The hybrid is the fruit of a very successful selection. The variety is resistant to diseases, primarily to late blight. In cultivation, unpretentious and with proper agricultural technology allows you to achieve excellent results. The fruits are perfectly stored and transported, have a pleasant taste and can be successfully used in raw form and for canning.

Tomato Kakadu F1 will be a good purchase for gardeners from regions with a short cool summer season.

Video: F1 Kakadu Tomatoes

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