Tomato Captain F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Captain is a hybrid grown specifically for regions with adverse climates. These include the Far East, Siberia, the Urals, as well as the regions of the middle zone. This tomato variety is able to produce good fruits regardless of weather conditions.

Tomato Captain F1

Grade Features

A hybrid of a determinant species, the fruits of which ripen very quickly. For them to mature, less than three months from the moment the first seedlings are formed is enough. They sing very quickly, and therefore it is profitable to grow them for sale, and if desired, several crops can be harvested in one season.

Tomato fruits

This variety was specially created for eating fruits exclusively in fresh form. For pickles, pickles, these tomatoes are not suitable. They have great taste, with unobtrusive sourness. The sugar content is about 3%.

The aroma of the fruit is ordinary, like that of other tomatoes. The variety is not much different from the classic appearance of most tomatoes. The fruits of the variety "Captain" have an even rounded shape, red, saturated color. Pulp - medium density.

Many growers respond positively to the variety, indicating that the weather does not have any effect on the taste characteristics and appearance of the fruit. Even in rainy, cloudy summers, the fruits of this tomato variety delight with their slightly sour taste.

The variety is great for growing in the garden and plot, in open soil, and in greenhouses. In the first case, it is possible to get the first crop already in mid-July, and in the second - 1-2 decades earlier.

Usually, all fruits ripen at the same time, with the whole "team." If there are unripe tomatoes, they can ripen at home. They withstand transportation well and retain an attractive appearance for customers.

The pulp of the Kapitan variety has its own characteristics that are characteristic only for this variety:

  • very dense consistency, and at the same time quite juicy;
  • uniform, bright color;
  • missing a white core;
  • small-sized seed chambers;
  • limited number of seeds;
  • aroma, taste properties are the same as in other soil tomatoes.

As already noted above, the variety was created for fresh consumption. Mainly for the preparation of salads. Despite this, some gardeners still manage to make pickles and preparations from it. This tomato variety is especially good for making freshly squeezed juices, sauces, pastas.

Culture cultivation

Growing tomatoes Captain F1
The tomato variety is early ripe, so sowing it early is not recommended. The best period is at the end of March, 50 days before receiving the first sprouts, which you can safely dive into open ground or plant in greenhouses.

When sowing seeds should not be too deep. Simply sprinkle them on the ground and sprinkle with a little earth. This is required so that the seeds germinate faster, rise to the surface. At the same time, containers with seedlings are covered with a lid to create better conditions for germinating seedlings. The containers themselves should also be placed in a warm place. Under such conditions, seedlings can appear already on the fourth or fifth day of germination.

After the appearance of the first leaves, plants are planted in separate boxes. At this time, good lighting, timely watering is especially required. The optimum temperature is up to 17 degrees. It is desirable to water it with warm water, at room temperature.

After the final disappearance of frost, sprouts can be planted in open soil. If you plan to grow tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, under the film, it is recommended to plant them one - a couple of weeks earlier.

Plants must be tied up. In this case, from 1 to 6 plants fit from 6 to 8. If you do not use a support, you can place only 4-5 bushes on the same area. At the same time, untied branches take root, and the bush grows, giving as a result even more fruits.

Variety of tomatoes "Captain" - an excellent option for regions of the country with a not very favorable climate. It is resistant to weather, diseases, pests. It does not require special care and yields delicious fruits. Even a novice grower, a gardener, can grow this variety.

Grade Reviews

Julia, 33 years old: My husband and I live in Western Siberia, we are avid gardeners. Even in winter, we grow herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes at home. For many, this seems surprising, but we really like it, as there are always fresh vegetables on our table. In the summer - we are engaged in a garden. We have been growing Captain tomatoes for several years in a row. We like, are ideally suited to our climate.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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