Tomato Carotinka - description and characteristics of the variety

For the busiest people who do not have time to engage in a garden for a long time, but have a desire to grow a tomato, there is an excellent variety Karotinka. It grows on almost any soil. It tolerates any disease. He does not need to remove stepsons. He needs to pay a minimum of attention. And with all this, he gives a wonderful and tasty crop from each planted bush.

Tomato Carotinka


Belongs to mid-season grade. Ripens after sowing after 100 - 110 days. Very small in height - reaches only 50 centimeters. The leaves are light green in small size.

Has an elongated fruit of bright yellow or orange color. Very tasty, sweet taste. The peel is smooth of medium thickness. One fruit weighs from 40 to 60 grams. From one square meter, you can get about 4.5 kilograms of ripe and tasty fruits.

Cultivation and care

The tomato does not need to remove the stepsons. However, a garter is necessary for such a short plant. The trunk is not so powerful as to hold on and not fall to the ground. A garter to the pegs will save him from falling, breaking and rotting tomatoes.

Tomato should be sown in late March - early April. When sowing, there must be holes in the tanks. When watering, excess water should come out. If this is not the case, the seeds will turn sour and rot. The temperature in the room should be at least 23 degrees. It will help faster germination and seedling growth.

Sow tomatoes should be fed in airy soil. It can be purchased in special departments or made by yourself. For seedlings, ordinary soil from the garden is used, compost, ash, manure and granular fertilizer, for example, superphosphate, are added to it. A place for seedlings you need to choose a bright, but without aggressive sunlight. It could be a table next to the windowsill. However, additional lighting in the form of a fluorescent lamp does not hurt.

2 weeks before the plant is transferred to the open ground, it is tempered. Tomatoes should be taken out into the air or a window should be opened, but not a draft. Also, you can not take out the seedlings in the open sun. Bright and burning light can harm young leaves.

Note! During the preparation of the garden, it is important to remember that tomatoes can grow in the same place for 2 to 3 years, after which the soil should be changed. Earth can be used after carrots, dill and parsley, sometimes after cucumbers. After zucchini, peppers and potatoes, the soil is not suitable for growing tomatoes.

It is important to clean the beds from weeds in time, loosen the soil, mulch it, apply complex fertilizers, manure ash, and also spray it to prevent possible diseases. It is necessary to fumigate tomatoes in order to kill insects and their larvae, which harm tomatoes. This is done with a bonfire or smoke bomb. The attack of aphids, Colorado potato beetles, slugs can do great harm to the bushes. They eat not only the leaves and fruits of the plant, some of them also harm the root system.

Watering should be carried out in the morning with warm and settled water. Keep track of soil moisture. Watering the bushes a lot, but not often.

If the plant grows in a greenhouse, it should be aired. In sunny and warm weather, you can fully open the greenhouse, if possible. If the frame greenhouse and its materials are fixed, it is important to open the windows and doors. Thus, the plant will dry out a bit, and this will prevent the appearance of various diseases.

If by the end of the season remove the extra pedicels and remove the upper part of the bush, then the resulting fruits ripen much faster.

Storage and use

For longer storage, tomatoes are harvested unripe and laid out one at a time in a cool and dark room. Thus, the tomatoes will lie more and they can be gradually transferred to a warm place for ripening.

Fruits tolerate transportation well. They can be used for sale in large stores, vegetable bases and markets.

Tomatoes are good for pickling. They are conveniently placed in a jar due to their small size and elongated shape. They will be perfectly combined in pickling with other vegetables. Suitable for cooking summer salads, lecho, ketchups and sauces. Complement any hot dish. They will make the meat softer and more tender during pickling. Will be a great addition to any table.

Every vegetable needs proper and timely care. Thanks to care, processing and top dressing, a tomato will delight any gardener with its ripe and tasty crop. “Karotinka” is an excellent variety that will appeal to many professional breeders and garden lovers.

Video: Karotinka tomatoes

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